Re: LINUX is obsolete
Re: LINUX is obsolete
Subject: Re: LINUX is obsolete
From: (Tony Travis)
Date: 6 Feb 92 02:17:13 GMT
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Organization: Department of Computing, Imperial College, University of London, UK. (Andy Tanenbaum) writes:
> Another option that seems to be totally forgotten here is buy UNIX or a
> clone. If you just want to USE the system, instead of hacking on its
> internals, you don't need source code. Coherent is only $99, and there
> are various true UNIX systems with more features for more money. For the
> true hacker, not having source code is fatal, but for people who just
> want a UNIX system, there are many alternatives (albeit not free).
Andy, I have followed the development of Minix since the first messages
were posted to this group and I am now running 1.5.10 with Bruce
Evans's patches for the 386.
I 'just' want a Unix on my PC and I am not interested in hacking on its
internals, but I *do* want the source code!
An important principle underlying the success and popularity of Unix is
the philosophy of building on the work of others.
This philosophy relies upon the availability of the source code in
order that it can be examined, modified and re-used in new software.
Many years ago, I was in the happy position of being an AT&T Seventh
Edition Unix source licencee but, even then, I saw your decision to
make the source of Minix available as liberation from the shackles of
AT&T copyright!!
I think you may sometimes forget that your 'hobby' has had a profound
effect on the availability of 'personal' Unix (ie. affordable Unix) and
that the 8086 PC I ran Minix 1.2 on actually cost me considerably more
than my present 386/SX clone.
Clearly, Minix _cannot_ be all things to all men, but I see the
progress to 386 versions in much the same way that I see 68000 or other
linear address space architectures: it is a good thing for people like
me who use Minix and feel constrained by the segmented architecture of
the PC version for applications.
NOTHING you can say would convince me that I should use Coherent ...
Dr. A.J.Travis <> | Rowett Research Institute,
| Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen,
| AB2 9SB. UK. tel 0224-712751