Re: LINUX is obsolete
Re: LINUX is obsolete
Subject: Re: LINUX is obsolete
From: aduncan@rhea.trl.OZ.AU (Allan Duncan)
Date: 2 Feb 92 22:06:26 GMT
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Organization: Telecom Research Labs, Melbourne, Australia
In article <>, by (Kevin Brown):
> The *entire* system call interface in Minix needs to be rethought. As it
> stands right now, the file system is not just a file system, it's also a
> system-call server. That functionality needs to be separated out in order
> to facilitate a multiple file system architecture. Message passing is
> probably the right way to go about making the call and waiting for it, but
> the message should go to a system call server, not the file system itself.
> In order to handle all the special caveats of the Unix API, you end up writing
> a monolithic "kernel" even if you're using a microkernel base. You end up
> with something called a "server", and an example is the BSD server that runs
> under Mach.
> And, in any case, the message-passing in Minix needs to be completely redone.
> As it is, it's a kludge. I've been giving this some thought, but I haven't
> had time to do anything with what I've thought of so far. Suffice it to say
> that the proper way to do message-passing is probably with message ports
> (both public and private), with the various visible parts of the operating
> system having public message ports. Chances are, that ends up being the
> system call server only, though this will, of course, depend on the goals
> of the design.
It gets to sound more and more like Tripos and the Amiga :-)
Allan Duncan ACSnet aduncan@trl.oz
(+613) 541 6708 Internet
UUCP {uunet,hplabs,ukc}!munnari!!aduncan
Telecom Research Labs, PO Box 249, Clayton, Victoria, 3168, Australia.