Nerdzilla Browser Project A group of hackers plans to create a 'Nerdzilla' browser using the Mozilla source code. "We plan to have an alpha release next month," a Nerdzilla programmer said. "Nerdzilla is a browser for nerds. If you read Slashdot or Humorix on a regular basis, Nerdzilla is for you." Features planned for Nerdzilla include: Slashdot Bar TM: Nerdzilla will have a Slashdot Bar, which will have one-click access to the latest headlines, in addition to a Slashdot and Everything search box. Users can customize this to include headlines and searches from other sites, including Freshmeat and Humorix. FUDMeter TM: Nerdzilla will use sophisticated AI technology to detect FUD, spin, and hype. If detected, the Nerdzilla throbber will change to an animation of Bill Gates being hit by a cream pie (this can be customized). ThrobberMatic TM: The Nerdzilla throbber will be customizable so it reflects the current situation. For instance, if you load a page, the throbber will change to the Bill-Gates-of-Borg picture. If you load a KDE or GNOME page, the throbber will change to a animation of two people throwing flames at eachother. If a page contains an ActiveX applet, the throbber changes to an animation of a nuclear mushroom cloud, along with the caption "RadioActiveX". Ad-Be-Gone TM: JavaScript pop-ups, scrolling message bars, and other annoying advertising vehicles can be turned off. This has been the most requested and anticipated feature of Nerdzilla. WhoNeedsYahoo? TM: Nerdzilla will automatically add and categorize all links referenced on Slashdot, Freshmeat, and other sites to the bookmarks file.