New Linux Distro: Red Neck Linux Red Neck Computers, Inc., of Chattafoocheeble, Alabama, starting shipping version 1.0 CD-ROMs of its new Red Neck Linux distribution yesterday. "We feel that RNL is a major step forward in bringing cheap, powerful, easy-to-use software to the millions of technophobes living in the South," Sandy Watkins, PR manager for Red Neck said in a press release. RNL features: The X Winder System DukesOfHazzard command line shell Netscape 4 with preset bookmarks to such sites as The Big Show, How to Attract Your Cousins, Bubba's Farm Report,, The Stag Beer Homepage, 101 Recipes for BBQ Sauce, Dukes of Hazzard Fan Club, and the Hee Haw Syndication TV Schedule. Deer Hunter, Bass Fishing, and Civil War General games Red++ compiler and assorted tools Daisy Duke pin-up preset for root winder 2 CD-ROMs full of other software applications from the Redsite Archives. RNL should be available at Wal-Mart stores across the South soon. It will come bundled with a six pack of Stag or a tub of BBQ sauce for the suggested retail price of $29.95. For more information, visit: