#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- ###################################################### # ____ _ __ # # ___ __ __/ / /__ ___ ______ ______(_) /___ __ # # / _ \/ // / / (_- don't generate whole list when using -t 1 # # - log only the subdomains to logfile when '-r' was chosen # # - minor code clean-ups / refactoring # # - switch to tabstop=2 / shiftwidth=2 # # # # v0.8 # # - upgraded to python3 # # # # v0.7 # # - upgraded built-in wordlist (more than 2k) # # - remove annoying timeout warnings # # - remove color output when logging to file # # # # v0.6 # # - upgraded default wordlist # # - replaced optionparser with argparse # # - add version output option # # - fixed typo # # # # v0.5 # # - fixed extracted ip addresses from rrset answers # # - renamed file (removed version string) # # - removed trailing whitespaces # # - removed color output # # - changed banner # # # # v0.4 # # - fixed a bug for returned list # # - added postfix option # # - upgraded wordlist[] # # - colorised output # # - changed error messages # # # # v0.3: # # - added verbose/quiet mode - default is quiet now # # - fixed try/catch for domainnames # # - fixed some tab width (i normally use <= 80 chars per line) # # # # v0.2: # # - append DNS and IP output to found list # # - added diffound list for subdomains resolved to different addresses # # - get right ip address from current used iface to avoid socket problems # # - fixed socket exception syntax and output # # - added usage note for fixed port and multithreaded socket exception # # # # v0.1: # # - initial release # ################################################################################ import sys import os import time import string import itertools import socket import re import argparse import socket from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor try: import dns.message import dns.query except ImportError: print("[-] ERROR: you need the 'dnspython' package") sys.exit() BANNER = '--==[ dnsspider by noptrix@nullsecurity.net ]==--' USAGE = '\n' \ ' dnsspider.py -t -a [options]' VERSION = 'v1.1' defaults = {} hostnames = [] prefix = '' postfix = '' found = [] diffound = [] chars = string.ascii_lowercase digits = string.digits # default wordlist wordlist = ['0', '0_', '000', '007', '01', '02', '03', '080', '1', '10', '100', '1000', '101', '102', '103', '104', '105', '106', '107', '108', '109', '11', '110', '11091521400593', '111', '1111', '11192521403954', '11192521404255', '112', '11285521401250', '11290521402560', '113', '114', '115', '116', '117', '118', '119', '12', '120', '121', '122', '123', '1234', '12345', '123456', '124', '125', '126', '127', '128', '129', '13', '130', '131', '132', '133', '134', '135', '136', '137', '138', '139', '14', '140', '141', '142', '143', '144', '145', '146', '147', '148', '149', '15', '150', '151', '152', '153', '154', '155', '156', '157', '158', '159', '16', '160', '161', '162', '163', '164', '165', '166', '167', '168', '169', '17', '170', '172', '173', '174', '175', '176', '177', '178', '179', '18', '180', '181', '182', '183', '184', '185', '186', '187', '188', '189', '19', '190', '191', '192', '193', '194', '195', '196', '197', '198', '199', '1c', '1rer', '1TRMST2hn', '2', '20', '200', '2006', '2008', '2009', '201', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '202', '203', '204', '205', '206', '207', '208', '209', '21', '210', '211', '212', '213', '214', '215', '216', '217', '218', '219', '22', '220', '221', '222', '223', '224', '225', '226', '227', '228', '229', '23', '230', '231', '232', '233', '234', '235', '236', '237', '238', '239', '24', '240', '241', '242', '243', '244', '245', '246', '247', '248', '249', '25', '250', '251', '252', '253', '254', '255', '26', '27', '28', '29', '2tty', '3', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '360', '365', '37', '38', '39', '3c', '3com', '3d', '3g', '3w', '4', '40', '404', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '4k', '5', '50', '51', '52', '5278', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '6', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '666', '666av', '67', '68', '69', '7', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '777', '77p2p', '78', '79', '8', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '8591', '85cc', '85st', '86', '87', '88', '89', '9', '90', '91', '911', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '98-62', '99', 'a', 'a0', 'a01', 'a02', 'a1', 'a1234567', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7', 'a8', 'a9', 'aa', 'aaa', 'aaaa', 'aaaaa', 'aaaaaa', 'aaron', 'a.auth-ns', 'ab', 'abacus', 'abba', 'abbot', 'abc', 'abc1', 'abc123', 'abcd', 'abcde', 'abcdef', 'abcdefg', 'abdo', 'abdullah', 'abe', 'abel', 'abf', 'abhi', 'abhsia', 'abiturient', 'abo', 'abood', 'about', 'abraham', 'abs', 'absolute', 'abu', 'abuja', 'abuse', 'abuse-report', 'abyss', 'ac', 'ac2', 'aca', 'acacia', 'acad', 'academia', 'academic', 'academico', 'academy', 'acc', 'acca', 'accelerator', 'accent', 'acceso', 'access', 'access1', 'access2', 'accommodation', 'account', 'accounting', 'accounts', 'accra', 'acct4', 'acct4-cert', 'acdc', 'ace', 'acer', 'acesso', 'acessonet', 'achieve', 'achilles', 'acid', 'acl', 'acm', 'acme', 'acorn', 'acp', 'acrux', 'acs', 'act', 'action', 'activate', 'activation', 'active', 'activestat', 'activesync', 'activity', 'ad', 'ad1', 'ad2', 'ad3', 'ada', 'adadmin', 'adagio', 'adam', 'adams', 'adc', 'add', 'adder', 'addicted', 'addis', 'addons', 'adds', 'adel', 'adelaide', 'adele', 'adfs', 'adi', 'adidas', 'adil', 'adimg', 'adis', 'adkit', 'adler', 'adm', 'adm2', 'admin', 'admin01', 'admin1', 'admin2', 'admin3', 'admin5', 'admin6', 'admin.dev', 'admini', 'administracion', 'administrador', 'administration', 'administrator', 'administrators', 'admin.m', 'adminmail', 'adminpc', 'admins', 'admin.test', 'admintest', 'admission', 'admissions', 'adms', 'adnan', 'adnet', 'adobe', 'adonis', 'adp', 'adrian', 'adriana', 'adrian.users', 'adrms', 'ads', 'ads1', 'ads2', 'adsense', 'adserv', 'adserver', 'adserver2', 'adsl', 'adsl2', 'adslgp', 'adslnat-curridabat-128', 'adsrv', 'adtest', 'adult', 'adv', 'adv2', 'advance', 'advanced', 'advancement', 'advert', 'advertise', 'advertisement', 'advertiser', 'advertisers', 'advertising', 'advice', 'advisor', 'advocate', 'advokat', 'adwords', 'adx', 'ae', 'aeon', 'aero', 'af', 'aff', 'affiliate', 'affiliates', 'affiliati', 'afiliados', 'afisha', 'afm', 'afp', 'africa', 'afrodita', 'afs', 'afshin', 'ag', 'ag1', 'aga', 'agape', 'agata', 'age', 'agencias', 'agency', 'agenda', 'agent', 'agents', 'agile', 'agk', 'agnes', 'agora', 'agri', 'agriculture', 'agro', 'agua', 'agus', 'ah', 'aha', 'ahmad', 'ahmed', 'AHWP', 'ai', 'aic', 'aida', 'aikido', 'aim', 'aims', 'ain', 'aion', 'air', 'aire', 'airport', 'airsoft', 'ais', 'ait', 'aix', 'aj', 'ajax', 'ajs', 'ajuda', 'ak', 'ak47', 'aka', 'akamai', 'akari', 'akasaka', 'akash', 'akashi', 'akatsuki', 'akira', 'akita', 'aks', 'al', 'alaa', 'alabama', 'aladdin', 'aladin', 'alan', 'alani', 'alaska', 'alba', 'albany', 'albatros', 'albatross', 'albert', 'alberto', 'albion', 'alborz', 'albq', 'album', 'albuquerque', 'alc', 'alcatraz', 'alchemy', 'alcyone', 'aldan', 'aldebaran', 'aldo', 'alef', 'aleph', 'alert', 'alerts', 'alertus', 'alestra', 'alex', 'alexa', 'alexander', 'alexandra', 'alexandre', 'alexandria', 'alex.users', 'alf', 'alfa', 'alfred', 'alfresco', 'algeria', 'algerie', 'algiers', 'algol', 'ali', 'alibaba', 'alice', 'alien', 'alim', 'alina', 'alis', 'alisa', 'alive', 'all', 'alla', 'all.edge', 'allegro', 'allen', 'alles', 'alliance', 'all-nodes', 'allstar', 'allstars', 'all.videocdn', 'alma', 'almaty', 'almighty', 'alms', 'aloha', 'alone', 'alp', 'alpha', 'alpha1', 'alpha2', 'alpha5', 'alpine', 'als', 'alt', 'alta', 'alta-gsw', 'altair', 'alter', 'alterego', 'alterwind', 'alt-host', 'alto', 'alt.relay', 'alumni', 'alumnos', 'alvarez', 'alvin', 'alvis', 'am', 'am1', 'ama', 'amadeus', 'amal', 'amanda', 'amar', 'amaranth', 'amarillo', 'amateur', 'amazing', 'amazon', 'amazone', 'amb', 'amber', 'amc', 'amd', 'amedd', 'america', 'american', 'americas', 'amethyst', 'amg', 'ami', 'amigo', 'amigos', 'amin', 'amir', 'amira', 'amis', 'amity', 'amjad', 'aml', 'amman', 'amon', 'amoozesh', 'amor', 'amos', 'amp', 'ams', 'ams2', 'amsterdam', 'amt', 'amur', 'a.mx', 'amy', 'an', 'ana', 'anaconda', 'anaheim', 'anakin', 'anal', 'analog', 'analysis', 'analytics', 'analyzer', 'anand', 'ananke', 'anarchy', 'anas', 'anc', 'and', 'anders', 'anderson', 'andi', 'andorra', 'andre', 'andrea', 'andreas', 'andrei', 'andres', 'andrew', 'andrey', 'android', 'andromeda', 'andromede', 'andy', 'ange', 'angel', 'angela', 'angelina', 'angels', 'anger', 'angie', 'angola', 'angus', 'anh', 'anh-mobileTH', 'anhth', 'anhTH', 'ani', 'anil', 'anilkumar', 'animal', 'animals', 'animation', 'anime', 'animes', 'anis', 'anita', 'ankara', 'anketa', 'ankieta', 'ankiety', 'ann', 'anna', 'annapolis', 'anne', 'annex', 'annie', 'annonces', 'announce', 'announcements', 'annuaire', 'annualreport', 'annunci', 'anon', 'anonymous', 'a.ns', 'ans', 'a.ns.e', 'a.ns.email', 'a.ns.emailvision.net.', 'answer', 'answers', 'ant', 'antananarivo', 'antares', 'anthony', 'anti', 'antigo', 'antigua', 'antiques', 'antispam', 'antispam2', 'antivir', 'antivirus', 'anto', 'anton', 'antonio', 'antony', 'anubis', 'anubis-01', 'anubis01', 'anubis-02', 'anubis02', 'anubis-03', 'anubis03', 'anubis-1', 'anubis1', 'anubis-2', 'anubis2', 'anubis-3', 'anubis3', 'anuncios', 'anunturi', 'any', 'anyserver', 'anything', 'anywhere', 'ao', 'aoa', 'aoi', 'aol', 'aos-creative', 'aovivo', 'ap', 'ap1', 'ap2', 'apache', 'apartment', 'apc', 'apc1', 'apc2', 'apc4', 'ape', 'apex', 'apg', 'aphrodite', 'api', 'api-1', 'api1', 'api1-backup', 'api-2', 'api2', 'api2-backup', 'api-3', 'api3', 'api3-backup', 'api-4', 'api4-backup', 'api-5', 'api5-backup', 'api-6', 'api6-backup', 'api-7', 'api-8', 'apia', 'api-dev', 'api.dev', 'apidev', 'api.ext', 'api.int', 'api-mobile', 'api.news', 'apis', 'api.staging', 'api-test', 'api.test', 'apitest', 'apk', 'apl', 'aplicaciones', 'aplicativos', 'aplikasi', 'aplus', 'apol', 'apollo', 'apollo2', 'apollon', 'apolo', 'app', 'app01', 'app1', 'app2', 'app3', 'app4', 'app5', 'app6', 'app7', 'app8', 'app9', 'appcgi', 'appdev', 'appel', 'apple', 'appli', 'application', 'applications', 'applwi', 'apply', 'approval', 'apps', 'apps1', 'apps2', 'apps3', 'appserver', 'appstore', 'apptest', 'apricot', 'april', 'aprisostg', 'aproxy', 'aps', 'apt', 'apteka', 'aptest', 'apu', 'apunts2', 'apus', 'aq', 'aqua', 'aquamarine', 'aquarium', 'aquarius', 'aquila', 'ar', 'ara', 'arab', 'araba', 'arabic', 'aragorn', 'aramis', 'aras', 'arc', 'arcade', 'arcadia', 'arcgis', 'arch', 'archangel', 'archer', 'archie', 'architecture', 'archiv', 'archive', 'archives', 'archivio', 'archivo', 'archiwum', 'arcsight', 'arctest', 'arctic', 'arcturus', 'arda', 'area', 'area51', 'arena', 'ares', 'arg', 'argentina', 'argo', 'argon', 'argos', 'argus', 'arhangelsk', 'arhiva', 'ari', 'aria', 'ariadne', 'ariana', 'ariane', 'arie', 'ariel', 'aries', 'arif', 'arion', 'arirang', 'aris', 'arizona', 'arjuna', 'ark', 'arkansas', 'arlington', 'arm', 'armada', 'armageddon', 'armani', 'armstrong', 'army', 'arnold', 'aroma', 'arp', 'arpa', 'arquivos', 'arrakis', 'arrow', 'ars', 'arsenal', 'arsenic', 'arslan', 'art', 'arte', 'artefact', 'artem', 'artemis', 'arthouse', 'arthur', 'article', 'articles', 'artifactory', 'artis', 'artist', 'arts', 'artur', 'artwork', 'aruba-master', 'arun', 'arwen', 'as', 'as1', 'as2', 'as3', 'as4', 'as400', 'asa', 'asahi', 'asap', 'asb', 'asc', 'asd', 'asdasd', 'asdf', 'asdfg', 'asdfghjkl', 'asdzxc', 'asetus1', 'asetus2', 'asetus3', 'asf', 'asg', 'asgard', 'ash', 'asha', 'asher', 'ashgabat', 'ashi', 'ashish', 'ashley', 'asi', 'asia', 'asian', 'asianet', 'as.iso', 'ask', 'aslan', 'asm', 'asmara', 'aso', 'asp', 'asp1', 'asp2', 'aspera', 'aspire', 'asp-winterville.cit', 'asr', 'ass', 'assassin', 'assembla', 'asset', 'assets', 'assets1', 'assets2', 'assets3', 'assets4', 'assets5', 'assets6', 'assist', 'assistance', 'assistenza', 'asso', 'association', 'ast', 'asta', 'astana', 'aster', 'asterisk', 'asterisk1', 'asterisk2', 'asterix', 'astra', 'astrahan', 'astral', 'astro', 'astrology', 'astronomy', 'astun', 'asuncion', 'asus', 'async', 'at', 'ata', 'ataman', 'atb', 'atc', 'atd', 'ateam', 'atelier', 'atendimento', 'atenea', 'atest', 'athena', 'athens', 'athletics', 'athos', 'ati', 'atl', 'atlant', 'atlanta', 'atlantic', 'atlantis', 'atlas', 'atlassian', 'atlassian-01', 'atlassian01', 'atlassian-02', 'atlassian02', 'atlassian-03', 'atlassian03', 'atlassian-1', 'atlassian1', 'atlassian-2', 'atlassian2', 'atlassian-3', 'atlassian3', 'atm', 'atmail', 'atollon', 'atom', 'atomic', 'atrium', 'atropos', 'ats', 'att', 'attach', 'attask', 'attendance', 'attix', 'attix5', 'au', 'auc', 'auction', 'auctions', 'audi', 'audio', 'audit', 'audition', 'audrey', 'august', 'auk', 'aukcje', 'aukro', 'aula', 'aulavirtual', 'aura', 'aurelia', 'auriga', 'aurora', 'aussie', 'austin', 'australia', 'austria', 'austtx', 'auth', 'auth1', 'auth2', 'auth3', 'auth-hack', 'author', 'authors', 'auto', 'autocad', 'autoconfig', 'autoconfig.admin', 'autoconfig.ads', 'autoconfig.api', 'autoconfig.app', 'autoconfig.archive', 'autoconfig.beta', 'autoconfig.billing', 'autoconfig.blog', 'autoconfig.blogs', 'autoconfig.business', 'autoconfig.cdn', 'autoconfig.chat', 'autoconfig.classifieds', 'autoconfig.client', 'autoconfig.clients', 'autoconfig.cn', 'autoconfig.crm', 'autoconfig.de', 'autoconfig.demo', 'autoconfig.design', 'autoconfig.dev', 'autoconfig.dev2', 'autoconfig.director', 'autoconfig.directory', 'autoconfig.download', 'autoconfig.email', 'autoconfig.en', 'autoconfig.es', 'autoconfig.facebook', 'autoconfig.fb', 'autoconfig.files', 'autoconfig.forum', 'autoconfig.forums', 'autoconfig.gallery', 'autoconfig.games', 'autoconfig.health', 'autoconfig.help', 'autoconfig.helpdesk', 'autoconfig.host', 'autoconfig.i', 'autoconfig.images', 'autoconfig.img', 'autoconfig.info', 'autoconfig.iphone', 'autoconfig.it', 'autoconfig.jobs', 'autoconfig.jocuri', 'autoconfig.joomla', 'autoconfig.link', 'autoconfig.links', 'autoconfig.lists', 'autoconfig.live', 'autoconfig.login', 'autoconfig.loja', 'autoconfig.m', 'autoconfig.mail', 'autoconfig.main', 'autoconfig.media', 'autoconfig.member', 'autoconfig.members', 'autoconfig.mobile', 'autoconfig.movies', 'autoconfig.movil', 'autoconfig.music', 'autoconfig.my', 'autoconfig.new', 'autoconfig.news', 'autoconfig.newsletter', 'autoconfig.old', 'autoconfig.online', 'autoconfig.portal', 'autoconfig.projects', 'autoconfig.radio', 'autoconfig.reseller', 'autoconfig.sandbox', 'autoconfig.search', 'autoconfig.secure', 'autoconfig.seo', 'autoconfig.server', 'autoconfig.shop', 'autoconfig.sms', 'autoconfig.soporte', 'autoconfig.sports', 'autoconfig.stage', 'autoconfig.staging', 'autoconfig.static', 'autoconfig.store', 'autoconfig.support', 'autoconfig.test', 'autoconfig.testing', 'autoconfig.tickets', 'autoconfig.travel', 'autoconfig.tv', 'autoconfig.us', 'autoconfig.v2', 'autoconfig.video', 'autoconfig.videos', 'autoconfig.web', 'autoconfig.webdesign', 'autoconfig.webmail', 'autoconfig.wholesale', 'autoconfig.wiki', 'autoconfig.wordpress', 'autoconfig.wp', 'autoconfig.www2', 'autoconfig.x', 'autodiscover', 'autodiscover.admin', 'autodiscover.ads', 'autodiscover.api', 'autodiscover.app', 'autodiscover.archive', 'autodiscover.beta', 'autodiscover.billing', 'autodiscover.blog', 'autodiscover.blogs', 'autodiscover.business', 'autodiscover.cdn', 'autodiscover.chat', 'autodiscover.classifieds', 'autodiscover.client', 'autodiscover.clients', 'autodiscover.cn', 'autodiscover.crm', 'autodiscover.de', 'autodiscover.demo', 'autodiscover.design', 'autodiscover.dev', 'autodiscover.dev2', 'autodiscover.director', 'autodiscover.directory', 'autodiscover.download', 'autodiscover.email', 'autodiscover.en', 'autodiscover.es', 'autodiscover.exchange', 'autodiscover.facebook', 'autodiscover.fb', 'autodiscover.files', 'autodiscover.forum', 'autodiscover.forums', 'autodiscover.gallery', 'autodiscover.games', 'autodiscover.health', 'autodiscover.help', 'autodiscover.helpdesk', 'autodiscover.host', 'autodiscover.i', 'autodiscover.images', 'autodiscover.img', 'autodiscover.info', 'autodiscover.iphone', 'autodiscover.it', 'autodiscover.jobs', 'autodiscover.jocuri', 'autodiscover.joomla', 'autodiscover.link', 'autodiscover.links', 'autodiscover.lists', 'autodiscover.live', 'autodiscover.login', 'autodiscover.loja', 'autodiscover.m', 'autodiscover.mail', 'autodiscover.main', 'autodiscover.media', 'autodiscover.member', 'autodiscover.members', 'autodiscover.mobile', 'autodiscover.movies', 'autodiscover.movil', 'autodiscover.music', 'autodiscover.my', 'autodiscover.new', 'autodiscover.news', 'autodiscover.newsletter', 'autodiscover.old', 'autodiscover.online', 'autodiscover.portal', 'autodiscover.projects', 'autodiscover.radio', 'autodiscover-redirect', 'autodiscover.reseller', 'autodiscover.sandbox', 'autodiscover.search', 'autodiscover.secure', 'autodiscover.seo', 'autodiscover.server', 'autodiscover.shop', 'autodiscover.sms', 'autodiscover.soporte', 'autodiscover.sports', 'autodiscover.stage', 'autodiscover.staging', 'autodiscover.static', 'autodiscover.store', 'autodiscover.student', 'autodiscover.support', 'autodiscover.test', 'autodiscover.testing', 'autodiscover.tickets', 'autodiscover.travel', 'autodiscover.tv', 'autodiscover.us', 'autodiscover.v2', 'autodiscover.video', 'autodiscover.videos', 'autodiscover.web', 'autodiscover.webdesign', 'autodiscover.webmail', 'autodiscover.wholesale', 'autodiscover.wiki', 'autodiscover.wordpress', 'autodiscover.wp', 'autodiscover.www2', 'autodiscover.x', 'automail', 'automatedqa', 'automation', 'automn', 'automotive', 'autoplataforma', 'autoreply', 'autoresponder', 'autorun', 'autos', 'av', 'av1', 'av8d', 'ava', 'available', 'avalanche', 'avalon', 'avantel', 'avasin', 'avatar', 'avatars', 'avcome', 'avedge', 'avenger', 'avg', 'avia', 'aviation', 'aviator', 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'smtp-in-03.mx-fs2', 'smtp.mail', 'smtp.mse21', 'smtp-out', 'smtp.out', 'smtpout', 'smtp-out-01', 'smtp-out-02', 'smtpout2', 'smtp-relay', 'smtprelayout', 'smtps', 'smtptest', 'smurf', 'smx', 'sn', 'snake', 'snantx', 'snap', 'snapshot', 'sndg02', 'sndgca', 'snfc21', 'sniffer', 'sniper', 'snmp', 'snmpd', 'snoopy', 'snorby', 'snorby-01', 'snorby01', 'snorby-02', 'snorby02', 'snorby-03', 'snorby03', 'snorby-1', 'snorby1', 'snorby-2', 'snorby2', 'snorby-3', 'snorby3', 'snort', 'snort-01', 'snort01', 'snort-02', 'snort02', 'snort-03', 'snort03', 'snort-1', 'snort1', 'snort-2', 'snort2', 'snort-3', 'snort3', 'snow', 'snowball', 'snowflake', 'snowy', 'snr', 'sns', 'sntcca', 'so', 'soa', 'soap', 'soapui', 'sobek', 'soc', 'socal', 'soccer', 'sochi', 'social', 'socialmedia', 'socialwork', 'society', 'sociology', 'socket', 'socrate', 'socrates', 'sod', 'sof', 'sofa', 'sofia', 'soft', 'software', 'softwareresearch', 'sogo', 'sogox', 'sohbet', 'soho', 'soi', 'sok', 'sokol', 'sol', 'sola', 'solar', 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'squirrel1', 'squirrel-2', 'squirrel2', 'squirrel-3', 'squirrel3', 'squirrelmail', 'squirrelmail-01', 'squirrelmail01', 'squirrelmail-02', 'squirrelmail02', 'squirrelmail-03', 'squirrelmail03', 'squirrelmail-1', 'squirrelmail1', 'squirrelmail-2', 'squirrelmail2', 'squirrelmail-3', 'squirrelmail3', 'squish', 'sr', 'sr1', 'sr2', 'sr3', 'sra', 'src', 'srd', 'srilanka', 'srl', 'srm', 'srm-atlas-2.gridpp', 'srm-atlas.gridpp', 'sro', 'srp', 'srs', 'srt', 'srv', 'srv0', 'srv01', 'srv02', 'srv03', 'srv1', 'srv10', 'srv11', 'srv12', 'srv13', 'srv14', 'srv15', 'srv16', 'srv17', 'srv18', 'srv19', 'srv2', 'srv20', 'srv21', 'srv22', 'srv23', 'srv24', 'srv3', 'srv4', 'srv5', 'srv6', 'srv7', 'srv8', 'srv9', 'srvc42', 'srvc47', 'srvc52', 'srvc57', 'srvc62', 'srvc67', 'ss', 'ss1', 'ss2', 'ss4', 'ss7', 'ssb', 'ssc', 'ssd', 'sse', 'ssh', 'ssh1', 'ssh2', 'ssi', 'ssl', 'ssl0', 'ssl01', 'ssl1', 'ssl2', 'ssl3', 'ssl4', 'ssl7', 'sslorigin', 'ssltest', 'ssl-vpn', 'sslvpn', 'sso', 'ssotest', 'ssp', 'ssr', 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'www.katalog', 'www.kazan', 'www.kb', 'www.keith', 'www.kemerovo', 'www.kh', 'www.kids', 'www.kiev', 'www.king', 'www.kino', 'www.kirov', 'www.kiss', 'www.klient', 'www.km', 'www.ko', 'www.konkurs', 'www.kr', 'www.krasnodar', 'www.krasnoyarsk', 'www.ksp', 'www.kursk', 'www.kz', 'www.l', 'www.la', 'www.lab', 'www.labs', 'www.lady', 'www.lan', 'www.laptop', 'www.law', 'www.ld', 'www.learn', 'www.learning', 'www.legacy', 'www.lg', 'www.lib', 'www.library', 'www.lider', 'www.life', 'www.like', 'www.link', 'www.linkedin', 'www.links', 'www.linux', 'www.lipetsk', 'www.list', 'www.lists', 'www.lite', 'www.live', 'www.livehelp', 'www.lms', 'www.local', 'www.login', 'www.logo', 'www.loja', 'www.lol', 'www.losangeles', 'www.love', 'www.ls', 'www.luna', 'www.m', 'www.m2', 'www.ma', 'www.mag', 'www.magazin', 'www.magazine', 'www.magento', 'www.mail', 'wwwmail', 'www.mail1', 'www.mail2', 'www.mailer', 'www.mailing', 'www.main', 'www.mak', 'www.malaysia', 'www.mall', 'www.mama', 'www.man', 'www.manage', 'www.management', 'www.manager', 'www.mantis', 'www.manual', 'www.map', 'www.maps', 'www.mark', 'www.market', 'www.marketing', 'www.mars', 'www.master', 'www.math', 'www.max', 'www.mb', 'www.mba', 'www.mc', 'www.md', 'www.mdm', 'www.me', 'www.med', 'www.media', 'www.mega', 'www.member', 'www.memberall', 'www.memberlite', 'www.memberpbp', 'www.members', 'www.men', 'www.mercedes', 'www.meteo', 'www.mg', 'www.mi', 'www.miami', 'www.mike', 'www.minecraft', 'www.mini', 'www.mir', 'www.mirror', 'www.mkt', 'www.ml', 'www.mm', 'www.mms', 'www.mo', 'www.mob', 'www.mobi', 'www.mobil', 'www.mobile', 'www.moda', 'www.models', 'www.money', 'www.monitor', 'www.monitoring', 'www.montana', 'www.moodle', 'www.moscow', 'www.moto', 'www.motoryzacja', 'www.movie', 'www.movies', 'www.movil', 'www.mp', 'www.mp3', 'www.mr', 'www.ms', 'www.msf', 'www.msk', 'www.msn', 'www.mt', 'www.mta', 'www.mu', 'www.multimedia', 'www.murmansk', 'www.music', 'www.musica', 'www.mv', 'www.mx', 'www.my', 'www.myspace', 'www.mysql', 'www.n', 'www.nano', 'www.net', 'www.network', 'www-new', 'www.new', 'wwwnew', 'www.new1', 'www.news', 'www.newsite', 'www.newsletter', 'www.newsletters', 'www.newyork', 'www.ng', 'www.nice', 'www.nieruchomosci', 'www.nissan', 'www.nl', 'www.nn', 'www.nnov', 'www.no', 'www.noc', 'www.notebook', 'www.notes', 'www.noticias', 'www.novo', 'www.novosibirsk', 'www.ns', 'www.ns1', 'www.ns2', 'www.nsk', 'www.ny', 'www.o', 'www.oasis', 'www.oc', 'www.office', 'www.ogloszenia', 'www.ok', 'www-old', 'www.old', 'wwwold', 'www.om', 'www.omsk', 'www.online', 'www.onlinegames', 'www.op', 'www.open', 'www.openx', 'www.ops', 'www.orange', 'www.order', 'www.orders', 'www.oregon', 'www.orel', 'www-org', 'www.org', 'www.oriflame', 'www-origin', 'wwworigin', 'www.p', 'www.pa', 'www.painel', 'www.panel', 'www.partner', 'www.partners', 'www.password', 'www.pay', 'www.payment', 'www.pb', 'www.pc', 'www.pda', 'www.pe', 'www.penza', 'www.people', 'www.perm', 'www.pets', 'www.pg', 'www.ph', 'www.phoenix', 'www.phone', 'www.photo', 'www.photogallery', 'www.photography', 'www.photos', 'www.php', 'www.phpmyadmin', 'www.phys', 'www.physics', 'www.pic', 'www.pics', 'www.pidlabelling.users', 'www.piwik', 'www.pk', 'www.pl', 'www.plan', 'www.planet', 'www.plant', 'www.play', 'www.player', 'www.plb1', 'www.plb2', 'www.plb3', 'www.plb4', 'www.plb5', 'www.plb6', 'www.plgto.edu', 'www.pliki', 'www.plus', 'www.pluslatex.users', 'www.pm', 'www.pms', 'www.poczta', 'www.podcast', 'www.poker', 'www.pomoc', 'www.pop', 'www.portal', 'www.portfolio', 'www.pos', 'www.post', 'www.power', 'www.poznan', 'www.pozycjonowanie', 'www.pp', 'www.pr', 'www.praca', 'www.pre', 'www.premium', 'www.president', 'www.press', 'www.prestashop', 'www.prestige', 'www.preview', 'www.prezenty', 'www.prince', 'www.print', 'www.private', 'www.pro', 'www.prod', 'www.products', 'www.profesionales', 'www.profile', 'www.profiles', 'www.program', 'www.project', 'www.projects', 'www.projekty', 'www.promo', 'www.property', 'www.proxy', 'www.prueba', 'www.pruebas', 'www.ps', 'www.pt', 'www.public', 'www.puzzle', 'www.qa', 'www.quality', 'www.quotes', 'www.quran', 'www.r', 'www.radio', 'www.rc', 'www.rd', 'www.realestate', 'www.realty', 'www.rebecca.users', 'www.rec', 'www.red', 'www.redirect', 'www.redmine', 'www.reg', 'www.register', 'www.reklama', 'www.rekrutacja', 'www.remote', 'www.rent', 'www.report', 'www.reports', 'www.research', 'www.reseller', 'www.resellers', 'www.resources', 'www.review', 'www.reviews', 'www.rnd', 'www.ro', 'www.rostov', 'www.rp', 'www.rr', 'www.rsc', 'www.rss', 'www.ru', 'www.rus', 'www.russia', 'www.s', 'wwws', 'www.s1', 'www.s2', 'www.s3', 'www.s4', 'www.sa', 'www.sale', 'www.sales', 'www.salon', 'www.samara', 'www.sanatate', 'www.sandbox', 'www.sante', 'www.saransk', 'www.saratov', 'www.sb', 'www.sc', 'www.scc', 'www.school', 'www.science', 'www.script', 'www.scripts', 'www.sd', 'www.se', 'www.search', 'www.secret', 'www.secure', 'www.security', 'www.seo', 'www.server', 'www.server2', 'www.service', 'www.services', 'www.sex', 'www.sf', 'www.sg', 'www.sh', 'www.shadow', 'www.share', 'www.shared', 'www.shop', 'www.shop2', 'www.shopping', 'www.sia', 'www.sierracharlie.users', 'www.silver', 'www.sim', 'www.singapore', 'www.sip', 'www.sis', 'www.sistemas', 'www.site', 'www.sites', 'www.sk', 'www.sklep', 'www.sl', 'www.slb1', 'www.slb2', 'www.slb3', 'www.slb4', 'www.slb5', 'www.slb6', 'www.sm', 'www.smart', 'www.smolensk', 'www.sms', 'www.sn', 'www.soccer', 'www.sochi', 'www.social', 'www.soft', 'www.software', 'www.solutions', 'www.songs', 'www.soporte', 'www.sp', 'www.spa', 'www.space', 'www.spanish', 'www.spb', 'www-spd', 'www.speedtest', 'www.sport', 'www.sports', 'www.sql', 'www.ss', 'www.ssl', 'www.sso', 'www.sss', 'www.st', 'www.staff', 'www.stage', 'www-staging', 'www.staging', 'www.star', 'www.start', 'www.stat', 'www.static', 'www.stats', 'www.status', 'www.statystyki', 'www.stavropol', 'www-stg', 'wwwstg', 'www.stiri', 'www.stock', 'www.store', 'www.storm', 'www.stream', 'www.stu', 'www.stud', 'www.student', 'www.students', 'www.studio', 'www.style', 'www.sub', 'www.subscribe', 'www.super', 'www.suporte', 'www.support', 'www.survey', 'www.svn', 'www.sync', 'www.sys', 'www.system', 'www.t', 'wwwt', 'www.talk', 'www.tc', 'www.td', 'www.tea', 'www.teacher', 'www.team', 'www.tech', 'www.technology', 'www.telecom', 'www.temp', 'www.template', 'www.templates', 'www.tender', 'www.tenders', 'www.tennis', 'www-test', 'www.test', 'wwwtest', 'www.test1', 'www.test2', 'www.test2.users', 'www.test3', 'www.test4', 'www.test5', 'www.test6', 'www.teste', 'www.tester', 'www.testing', 'www.testsite', 'www.th', 'www.the', 'www.theme', 'www.themes', 'www.threads', 'www.thumbs', 'www.ti', 'www.tibia', 'www.ticket', 'www.tickets', 'www.tienda', 'www.time', 'www.tk', 'www.tlc', 'www.tm', 'www.tmp', 'www.todo', 'www.toko', 'www.tomsk', 'www.tools', 'www.top', 'www.torrent', 'www.torun', 'www.tour', 'www.tourism', 'www.tours', 'www.tr', 'www.track', 'www.tracker', 'www.tracking', 'www.trade', 'www.traffic', 'www.training', 'www.translate', 'www.transport', 'www.travel', 'www.travian', 'www.trk', 'www.ts', 'www.tt', 'www.tube', 'www.tula', 'www.turism', 'www.turismo', 'www.turystyka', 'www.tutorial', 'www.tv', 'www.tvonline', 'www.tw', 'www.twitter', 'www.tyumen', 'www.ua', 'www-uat', 'www.uat', 'www.ubezpieczenia', 'www.ufa', 'www.uk', 'www.ulyanovsk', 'www.up', 'www.update', 'www.updates', 'www.upgrade', 'www.upload', 'www.url', 'www.us', 'www.usa', 'www.users', 'www.uy', 'www.v', 'www.v1', 'www.v2', 'www.v28', 'www.v3', 'www.va', 'www.vb', 'www.vc', 'www.ve', 'www.ventas', 'www.vestibular', 'www.vhs', 'www.victoria', 'www.video', 'www.videos', 'www.vietnam', 'www.vip', 'www.virtual', 'www.vitrin', 'www.vladimir', 'www.vladivostok', 'www.vn', 'www.voip', 'www.volgograd', 'www.vologda', 'www.voodoodigital.users', 'www.voronezh', 'www.vpn', 'www.vps', 'www.w', 'wwww', 'www.wallpapers', 'www.wap', 'www.washington', 'www.wd', 'www.weather', 'www.web', 'www.webdesign', 'www.webinar', 'www.webmail', 'www.webmaster', 'www.website', 'www.webstats', 'www.webstore', 'www.wedding', 'www.whois', 'www.wholesale', 'www.wifi', 'www.wiki', 'www.windows', 'www.wj', 'www.wm', 'www.women', 'www.wordpress', 'www.work', 'www.worker', 'www.world', 'www.wp', 'www.wroclaw', 'www.ws', 'www.ww', 'wwwww', 'www.www', 'www.www1', 'www.www2', 'www.www3', 'www.wwww', 'www.x', 'wwwx', 'www.xml', 'www.xxx', 'www.xy', 'www.yaroslavl', 'www.yes', 'www.youtube', 'www.z', 'www.zabawki', 'www.zabbix', 'www.zakaz', 'www.zdrowie', 'www.zero', 'www.zoo', 'www.zp', 'wx', 'wxdataorigin', 'wxdatasecure', 'wxsxc', 'wxy', 'wy', 'wyoming', 'wyx', 'wz', 'x', 'x1', 'x10', 'x11', 'x2', 'x22', 'x25', 'x25gw', 'x25pad', 'x3', 'x4', 'xa', 'xanadu', 'xanthus', 'xavier', 'xb', 'xbox', 'xbox360', 'xc', 'xcb', 'xchange', 'xd', 'xdsl', 'xen', 'xen1', 'xen2', 'xen3', 'xen4', 'xena', 'xenapp', 'xenon', 'xeon', 'xerox', 'xerxes', 'xf', 'xfiles', 'xg', 'xgb', 'xgc', 'xhtml', 'xhtmlunit', 'xi', 'xian', 'xiaobao', 'xing', 'xink', 'xinli', 'xion', 'xj', 'xk', 'xl', 'xlogan', 'xlzx', 'xm', 'xmail', 'xmas', 'xmen', 'xml', 'xml2', 'xmlfeed', 'xml-gw-host', 'xmlrpc', 'xmlsecure', 'xml-simulator', 'xmpp', 'xnet', 'xo', 'xoap', 'xot', 'xoxo', 'xp', 'xplanner', 'xpress', 'xq', 'xqual', 'xr', 'x-ray', 'xray', 'xs', 'xsc', 'xserve', 'xsh', 'xstudio', 'xszz', 'xtreme', 'xuebao', 'xvdieos', 'xvideos', 'xw', 'xweb', 'xx', 'xxgk', 'xxx', 'xxxx', 'xxxxx', 'xy', 'xyh', 'xyy', 'xyz', 'xz', 'y', 'y12', 'y2k', 'ya', 'yachts', 'yahoo', 'yahya', 'yalta', 'yam', 'yamada', 'yamaha', 'yamato', 'yamoussoukro', 'yang', 'yankee', 'yaounde', 'yar', 'yara', 'yaroslavl', 'yasin', 'yaya', 'yb', 'yc', 'YCG', 'yd', 'ye', 'yearbook', 'yedek', 'yellow', 'yellowpages', 'yellowstone', 'yeni', 'yerevan', 'yes', 'yesterday', 'yh', 'yjs', 'ykt', 'yl', 'ym', 'yn', 'yo', 'yoda', 'yoga', 'yogi', 'yoko', 'yokohama', 'york', 'yoshi', 'you', 'youcef', 'younes', 'young', 'your', 'youraccount', 'yournet', 'youssef', 'youth', 'youtrack', 'youtube', 'yoyaku', 'yoyo', 'yp', 'ys', 'yt', 'yty', 'yu', 'yuan', 'yugioh', 'yuki', 'yukon', 'yum', 'yume', 'yumi', 'yummy', 'yun', 'yuri', 'yusuf', 'yutaka', 'yuva', 'yuyu', 'yw', 'yx', 'yy', 'yy568', 'yz', 'z', 'z1', 'z3950', 'za', 'zabawki', 'zabbix', 'zabbix2', 'zagreb', 'zahir', 'zakaria', 'zakaz', 'zaki', 'zakon', 'zakupki', 'zaphod', 'zaq', 'zara', 'zarzadzanie', 'zb', 'zc', 'zcc', 'zcgl', 'zcvbnnn', 'zd', 'z-diemthi', 'zdrowie', 'zebra', 'zee', 'zeit', 'zelda', 'zen', 'zena', 'zend', 'zenith', 'zenoss', 'zentrack', 'zenwalk', 'zeon', 'zephyr', 'zeppelin', 'zera', 'zero', 'zeropia', 'zeta', 'zeus', 'zeus1', 'zf', 'zh', 'zhang', 'zhaopin', 'zhaosheng', 'z-hcm.nhac', 'z-hn.nhac', 'zia', 'zim', 'zimbra', 'zina', 'zinc', 'zing', 'zion', 'zip', 'zipcode', 'zipkin', 'zippy', 'zixvpm', 'zj', 'zlatoust', 'z-log', 'zlog', 'zm', 'zmail', 'zodiac', 'zoe', 'zoho', 'zoidberg', 'zombie', 'zona', 'zone', 'zoo', 'zoom', 'zoot', 'zorro', 'zos', 'zozo', 'zp', 'zs', 'zsb', 'zt', 'zulu', 'zurich', 'zuzu', 'zvezda', 'zvm', 'zvse', 'zw', 'zx', 'zxc', 'zxcv', 'zy', 'zz', 'zzb', 'zzz'] def usage(): print('\n' + USAGE) sys.exit() return def check_usage(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: print('[!] WARNING: use -H for help and usage') sys.exit() return def get_default_nameserver(): print('[+] getting default nameserver') lines = list(open('/etc/resolv.conf', 'r')) for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == ';' or line[0] == '#': continue fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 2: continue if fields[0] == 'nameserver': defaults['nameserver'] = fields[1] return defaults return def get_default_source_ip(): print('[+] getting default ip address') try: # get current used iface enstablishing temp socket ipsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) ipsocket.connect(("gmail.com", 80)) defaults['ipaddr'] = ipsocket.getsockname()[0] print('[+] found currently used interface ip ' + "'" + defaults['ipaddr'] \ + "'") ipsocket.close() except: print(''' [!] WARNING: can\'t get your ip-address, use "-i" option and define yourself''') return defaults def parse_cmdline(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=USAGE, add_help=False) p.add_argument( '-t', metavar='', dest='type', help='attack type (0 for dictionary 1 for bruteforce)' ) p.add_argument( '-a', metavar='', dest='domain', help='subdomain to bruteforce' ) p.add_argument( '-l', metavar='', dest='wordlist', help='wordlist, one hostname per line (default: built-in)' ) p.add_argument( '-d', metavar='', dest='dnshost', help="choose another nameserver (default: your system's)" ) p.add_argument( '-i', metavar='', dest='ipaddr', help="source ip address to use (default: your system's)" ) p.add_argument( '-p', metavar='', dest='port', type=int, default=0, help='source port to use (default: 0 -> first free random port)' ) p.add_argument( '-u', metavar='', dest='protocol', default='udp', help='speak via udp or tcp (default: udp)' ) p.add_argument( '-c', metavar='', dest='charset', default=0, help='choose charset 0 [a-z0-9], 1 [a-z] or 2 [0-9] (default: 0)' ) p.add_argument( '-m', metavar='', dest='max', type=int, default=2, help='max chars to bruteforce (default: 2)' ) p.add_argument( '-s', metavar='', dest='prefix', help="prefix for bruteforce, e.g. 'www'" ) p.add_argument( '-g', metavar='', dest='postfix', help="postfix for bruteforce, e.g. 'www'" ) p.add_argument( '-o', metavar='', dest='timeout', default=3, help='timeout (default: 3)' ) p.add_argument( '-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='verbose mode - prints every attempt (default: quiet)' ) p.add_argument( '-w', metavar='', dest='wait', default=0, help='seconds to wait for next request (default: 0)' ) p.add_argument( '-x', metavar='', dest='threads', type=int, default=50, help='number of threads to use (default: 50)' ) p.add_argument( '-r', metavar='', dest='logfile', default='stdout', help='write found subdomains to file (default: stdout)' ) p.add_argument( '-V', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + VERSION, help='print version information' ) p.add_argument('-H', action='help', help='print this help') return(p.parse_args()) def check_cmdline(opts): if not opts.type or not opts.domain: print('[-] ERROR: mount /dev/brain') sys.exit() return def set_opts(defaults, opts): if not opts.dnshost: opts.dnshost = defaults['nameserver'] if not opts.ipaddr: opts.ipaddr = defaults['ipaddr'] if int(opts.charset) == 0: opts.charset = chars + digits elif int(opts.charset) == 1: opts.charset = chars else: opts.charset = digits if not opts.prefix: opts.prefix = prefix if not opts.postfix: opts.postfix = postfix return opts def read_hostnames(opts): print('[+] reading hostnames') if opts.wordlist: with open(opts.wordlist, 'r') as f: return [x.rstrip() for x in f.readlines()] else: return wordlist return def attack(opts, hostname): if opts.verbose: sys.stdout.write(' > trying %s\n' % hostname) sys.stdout.flush() try: x = dns.message.make_query(hostname, 1) if opts.protocol == 'udp': a = dns.query.udp(x, opts.dnshost, float(opts.timeout), 53, None, opts.ipaddr, opts.port, True, False) else: a = dns.query.tcp(x, opts.dnshost, float(opts.timeout), 53, None, opts.ipaddr, opts.port, False) except dns.exception.Timeout: sys.exit() except socket.error: print('''[-] ERROR: no connection? ip|srcport incorrectly defined? you can run only one thread if fixed source port specified!''') sys.exit() if a.answer: answ = '' # iterate dns rrset answer (can be multiple sets) field to extract # detailed info (dns and ip) for i in a.answer: answ += str(i[0]) answ += ' ' answer = (hostname, answ) found.append(answer) else: pass return def prepare_attack(opts, hostnames): sys.stdout.write('[+] attacking \'%s\' via ' % opts.domain) if opts.type == '0': sys.stdout.write('dictionary... please wait!\n') with ThreadPoolExecutor(opts.threads) as exe: for hostname in hostnames: hostname = hostname.rstrip() + '.' + opts.domain time.sleep(float(opts.wait)) exe.submit(attack, opts, hostname) elif opts.type == '1': sys.stdout.write('bruteforce\n') with ThreadPoolExecutor(opts.threads) as exe: for hostname in itertools.product(opts.charset, repeat=opts.max): time.sleep(float(opts.wait)) hostname = opts.prefix + ''.join(hostname) + opts.postfix + '.' + \ opts.domain exe.submit(attack, opts, hostname) else: print('[-] ERROR: unknown attack type') sys.exit() print() return def ip_extractor(ip): # extract ip from string of rrset answer object try: extracted = re.findall(r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}', ip) return extracted[0] except: print('[-] ERROR: can\'t extract ip addresses') sys.exit() return def analyze_results(opts, found): # get maindomain ip try: mainhostip = socket.gethostbyname(opts.domain) # append domain|ip to diffound if subdomain ip different than starting # domain ip ([diffound.append(domain + ' | ' + ip) \ for domain, ip in found if ip_extractor(ip) != mainhostip]) except dns.exception.Timeout: sys.exit() except socket.error: print('[-] ERROR: wrong domain or no connection?') sys.exit() return def log_results(opts, found, diffound): if opts.logfile == 'stdout': print('---') if not found: print('no hosts found :(') else: print('ANSWERED DNS REQUESTS') print('---') for f in found: print(f[0] + ' | ' + f[1]) if not diffound: print('---') print('NO HOSTS WITH DIFFERENT IP FOUND :(') else: print('---') print('ANSWERED DNS REQUEST WITH DIFFERENT IP') print('---') for domain in diffound: print(domain) else: print('[+] logging results to %s' % opts.logfile) with open(opts.logfile, 'w') as f: if found: for x in found: f.write(x[0] + '\n') if diffound: for domain in diffound: f.write(domain + '\n') print('[+] game over') return def check_wildcard(opts): print('[+] running wildcard detection') try: fake = socket.gethostbyname(opts.charset + '.' + opts.domain) print('''[-] ERROR: wildcards detected! all subdomains will point to same ip-addr. makes no sense to continue... aborting''') os._exit(1) except: pass return def main(): check_usage() opts = parse_cmdline() check_cmdline(opts) if not opts.dnshost: defaults = get_default_nameserver() if not opts.ipaddr: defaults = get_default_source_ip() if opts.protocol != 'udp' and opts.protocol != 'tcp': print('[-] ERROR: unknown protocol') sys.exit(1337) opts = set_opts(defaults, opts) check_wildcard(opts) hostnames = read_hostnames(opts) prepare_attack(opts, hostnames) #analyze_results(opts, found) log_results(opts, found, diffound) return if __name__ == '__main__': try: print(BANNER + '\n') main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n[!] WARNING: aborted by user') raise SystemExit # EOF