Security aspects of time synchronization infrastructure
A large number of services on modern corporate network require time to
be synchronized within network or with absolute time and may fail if
there are any problems with time synchronization. Below are just few
examples of services and required time precision.
For synchronization within network:
Expired software licenses/keys: ~weeks
Directory Synchronization: ~minutes
Collaboration services: ~minutes
Scheduling services: ~minutes
Authentication services (for example Kerberos): ~minutes
Logging: ~seconds
Production: ~milliseconds
For synchronization with absolute time:
Certificates expiration: ~months
Expired software licenses/keys: ~weeks
Accounts expiration: ~days
Allowed logon hours: ~minutes
Collaboration services: ~minutes
Scheduling services: ~minutes
Authentication for remote principials (for example external Kerberos
trusts): ~minutes
Authentication with hardware devices (for example eTokens): ~minutes
Logging: ~seconds
Production: ~milliseconds
The aim of this article is not to show importance of time
synchronization infrastructure, but to demonstrate important aspects of
time synchronization infrastructure implementation and to point to some
linked problems from real life.
If any of these services are used on corporate network and are
considered as critical services, time synchronization infrastructure
should also be considered as a critical service. Any inconsistence in a
time synchronization in result of failure, poor administration, sabotage
or network attack may cause depending services to fail resulting in a
lost of productivity or security and leading to additional expenses. As
a very common example, improperly set clocks on user's workstation can
lead to inability to logon to his workstation and perform his usual
It's very common that time synchronization infrastructure is missed from
network design or only mechanisms implemented by software vendors are
used without reviewing these mechanisms from the point of stability,
security and conformance to organization's expectance.
A main idea behind this article is to show most common problems in time
synchronization infrastructures based on NTP and SNTP protocols as a
most widely implemented in enterprise networks, but problems described
just slightly depend on network level protocol. If you use different
protocol for time synchronization you still can be interested.
I. Network synchronization topology
First question you should ask yourself is how time information is
distributed within your network, what is topology of time
synchronization service and reliable this topology is.
RFC 1305 defines Network Time Protocol (NTP) and describes few different
time synchronization models. It contains very good review of different
protocols. NTP protocol supports multiple masters model for time
synchronization. This model allows creating partially (of fully) meshed
network time topology with few, potentially external, reliable time
sources. Information received from peers is filtered to provide most
appropriate result by the means of mathematical statistics. Gathered
information is used to compute different measures like skew and
accuracy and correct clock settings. If any of network nodes has invalid
time configuration it will not have impact to the rest of network,
because statistical methods allow filtering out unreliable results. If
there is a host with reliable time on the network (that is host
synchronized with some hardware source, like radio clocks, cesium
clocks, GPS clocks, etc) - whole network will be finally, after some
time, synchronized with this host. This distributed mesh topology brings
a kind of inertion to NTP based infrastructure. If you have no access to
whole network you cannot make this network to change time immediately.
In this topology public external NTP server can be used as a time source
in relatively safe way.
NTP protocol by itself is not secure - it's UDP based, with fixed source
and destination port and is implemented as a single packet
request-response service without any sequence number or another replay
protection. It makes it easy to spoof NTP packets blindly, but to
succeed in this attack you have to spoof replies from the large number
of internal hosts. It's hard or even impossible without access to
internal network. And, of cause, this topology has no single point of
To implement some kind of security NTP defines message authenticator, to
allow host to sign its NTP packet. This field is optional and mechanism
of packet signing and key exchange and verification is not defined by
protocol. It makes it hard to implement this protection inside
enterprise network and almost impossible to implement authenticator for
public time servers.
As usually, the problem lays in implementation. To implement NTP in
multiple master partially meshed topology it was designed for, you
should manually configure all peers for all peers. For additional
security (if software developers implement it) you must also
pre-exchange keys or implement PKI infrastructure. After initial
configuration NTP does not require any maintenance. But, as any manually
configured service it makes additional workloads for system
administrators to read documentation and implement initial settings.
Most administrators do not read NTP documentation. That's why usually
only one NTP server is configured. In this single master case time
synchronization topology becomes directed tree. In this topology there
is no more mesh stability and failover. If higher level host has invalid
time information, host synchronized with this host may adjust his clocks
to some intermediate value. There is still some inertness, but it does
not protect your network any more. Tree's root is a single point of
failure and is a good attack target.
To help lazy administrator to keep his network time in most simple
manner RFC 1769 (Simple Network Time Protocol, SNTP) was introduced.
SNTP works in single master mode and things are quite simple - you
synchronize your clocks with remote peer, having only network lags to
count in. Of cause, directed tree is only available topology with this
protocol. For tree topology this protocol is better adopted and is not
less secure. In case root node clocks are changed, whole network will be
synchronized in reasonable amount of time (for NTP it may lead to the
situation different levels of tree have different time). As for networks
communications security SNTP is absolutely same - UDP based, single
packet, both SRC and DST ports are 123 and status for Authenticator
field is unclear.
II. Implementations
What are requirements for secure NTP or SNTP implementation? Main
requirement is to support Authenticator field at least for internal
synchronization. If Authenticator is not supported only alternative is
to use IPSec to sign all synchronization traffic (because this traffic
doesn't contain any sensitive information to be encrypted AH mode is
preferable). If Authenticator is supported, either PKI or manual key
configuration or both (and it's preferable) must be supported. PKI
support is helpful to automate time synchronization infrastructure
deployment in enterprise network. Manual key configuration is required
to synchronize with public time source (public time source should
provide public key to prevent spoofing). Of cause, Authenticator must be
implemented in a way to prevent replay attacks (it's required by RFC
Also, secure implementation should provide configuration for maximum
correction time. RFC 1305 require these settings to be tunable by
network administrator. Setting maximum correction time to lower value
can cause problem of client computer to fail time synchronization (for
example if host was offline for large period of time). Higher value
opens possibility of attacks against services requiring time
synchronization (see beginning of this article), it also may lead to
instability, because clocks skew and precision may be invalidly
calculated. As a network infrastructure architect you must find a
balance. This value for managed network is usually under 15 minutes.
Even ability to change time for some relatively small value during some
period can lead to unpleasant impact to stability of time
synchronization service, because times values could be malcrafted in way
to values for clocks precision and skew to be incorrectly computed on
synchronized computer leading to increasing skew (drift).
Another protection is detection of double replies. Double reply usually
means somebody is trying to spoof NTP/SNTP server reply. It's not clear
how should system react in this case of double reply (except this
situation definitely must be logged and administrator must be alerted
with all possible ways), probably best protection is to ignore both
packets But it makes it possible to prevent time synchronization with
the flood of fake NTP/SNTP responses. This kind of attack is extremely
easy but it may require months of time before any negative results.
In addition, random fraction must be introduced in time synchronization
schedule, to make it harder to spoof NTP/SNTP server reply blindly.
Without this fraction remote attacker can blindly spoof NTP server reply
with a single packet.
III. Example: Windows Active Directory forest network
Windows 2000 Active directory network is chosen as an example of time
synchronization infrastructure for few reasons: it's fully implemented
and documented by vendor, it requires minimum of manual configuration
and it contains both problems and advantages we would like to discuss.
Before Windows 2000 Microsoft had no time synchronization
infrastructure. The only available method was manual (or batched)
synchronization was 'net time' command. This command required elevated
privileges. It was impossible to synchronize time with user logon script
without giving special permission to set system time to user. Because in
Windows networks it's client computer to check allowed logon hours,
giving an ability to change system time to user is not desirable.
In Windows 2000 Microsoft did a pretty nice job to implement automated
time synchronization infrastructure. It's described in details in [3].
This document describes security impacts of time synchronization.
Microsoft's approach to time synchronization is really serious. SNTP was
chosen as a transport. Time synchronization supports 3 modes: Domain
mode (Nt5DS), SNTP mode (NTP), and no synchronization mode (NoSync) mode
[6]. In first mode domain member computer synchronizes with domain
controller, domain controller synchronizes with PDC emulator, PDC
emulator synchronizes with domain controller in forest root domain,
domain controllers in forest root domains synchronize with PDC emulator
in forest root domain. By default, in Windows 2000 PDC emulator in
forest root domains is not synchronized and logs an error to application
log). In this mode Authenticator is used and all SNTP packets are signed
with computer keys. For most networks this topology is good enough. It's
fully automated and requires minimal administration. It's protected
against time spoofing attack (not from packet flooding, but this attack
is less significant).
In last mode host doesn't synchronize with any external source and use
only it's own clocks (that is usually it acts as a reliable time source
for network).
The problem is with SNTP mode. In this mode host is synchronized with
external NTP source (RFC 1769 clearly says SNTP shouldn't be used on the
levels above subnet level). Microsoft documentation [3], recommends
using one the public time sources to synchronize clocks of the first
domain controller in first domain with absolute time. Microsoft
publishes a list of publicly available time servers [7]. For SNTP
(external synchronization) no security was supported at all - no
key/Authenticator support, no limitation for clock corrections, no
protection against double packets and scheduled time synchronization
without random fraction. If network is configured in accordance to these
recommendations it's possible to bring whole Windows 2003 forest down
with a single UDP packet.
In 2001 I contacted Microsoft about this problem. Microsoft pointed me
to [3] (it was hard to find it originally) and recommended to use IPSec
in accordance with [3] recommendations. After my claim that it's
impossible to use IPSec with public time sources, Microsoft accepted
this issue as design flow as [MSRC 1088cb]. To help user to find
documentation [4] and [5] were published. In 2002 Microsoft reported:
-=-= Quote Microsoft Security Response Center secure@microsoft.com =-=-
We're happy to report that we've completed all of the (many, many) fixes
and changes as a result of the report you brought us.
At this point, we are in final testing for Windows 2000 SP3, so we can't
get fixes of this magnitude in at this late stage: we are planning to
include this with Windows 2000 SP4.
-=-= End of Quote =-=-
In 2003 SP4 was released. Documentation about fixes included has nothing
related to SNTP. Also, Windows XP and Windows 2003 were released with
configuration change that time.windows.com is not used as a default
external (SNTP) time source.
Initially I thought this change was made to allow Microsoft to sign
responses from time.windows.com and to check it's key on Windows host
and same change is made to Windows 2000. But testing demonstrated that
time.windows.com does NOT sign SNTP messages. After inability to find
any information on SNTP fixed included in SP4 I contacted Microsoft
again in 2004. After a dialog with MSRC I was able to find some useful
information, but it's probably incomplete. At least Microsoft added
undocumented registry parameter for time synchronization service
This value allows to set maximum correction time allowed for external
source (it's never applied to internal domain synchronization. This
parameter doesn't eliminate problem but it's possible to use it on
forest's root PDC emulator to prevent most important services from
immediate attack, but it's still possible to launch attack against time
precision and skew calculation.
Default value is 43200 (12 hours). 12 hours is huge period that allows a
lot of services to be attacked. I recommend value below 60 to be used on
forest's root PDC emulator.
IV. Design decisions:
For networks where time synchronization is mission critical consider
using of hardware clocks (for example radio or GPS) for reliable time
sources. Implement mesh topology with NTP protocol for high level time
distribution servers and mission critical hosts (in Windows environment
you must use third party software and mark these hosts as reliable time
sources [5], [6] to prevent Windows time service from correcting system
clocks). Check if NTP implementation supports Authenticator mechanism.
If it does, exchange keys (implement PKI, if required). If NTP
implementation doesn't support Authenticator mechanism, or this support
doesn't correspond to your needs implement IPSec in AH mode between
hosts to protect synchronization traffic. Reliable time sources from
Internet can be used only with average and low security requirements for
mesh topology with NTP and only with low security requirements for tree
topology with NTP or SNTP.
For the rest of network you can use SNTP (for example Windows built-in
time synchronization) or NTP in single master mode. Protection of
network traffic as described above is also required.
For NTP/SNTP protocols after initial configuration there is no need for
regular administration, but high level of monitoring is required. Any
synchronization related event, especially repeated for few
synchronization cycles must be carefully checked on everyday basis.
V. References:
[1] David L. Mills, Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification,
Implementation and Analysis, RFC 1305
[2] D. Mills, Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), RFC 1769
[3] The Windows Time Service
[4] The Windows Time Service
[5] Q224799 - Basic Operation of the Windows Time Service
[6] Q223184 - Registry Entries for the W32Time Service
[7] Q262680 - A List of the Simple Network Time Protocol Time Servers
That Are Available on the Internet