Python Tutorial
1. Whetting Your Appetite
Python Tutorial
Front Matter
1. Whetting Your Appetite
1.1 Where From Here
2. Using the Python Interpreter
2.1 Invoking the Interpreter
2.1.1 Argument Passing
2.1.2 Interactive Mode
2.2 The Interpreter and Its Environment
2.2.1 Error Handling
2.2.2 Executable Python Scripts
2.2.3 The Interactive Startup File
3. An Informal Introduction to Python
3.1 Using Python as a Calculator
3.1.1 Numbers
3.1.2 Strings
3.1.3 Lists
3.2 First Steps Towards Programming
4. More Control Flow Tools
4.1 if Statements
4.2 for Statements
4.3 The range() Function
4.4 break and continue Statements, and else Clauses on Loops
4.5 pass Statements
4.6 Defining Functions
4.7 More on Defining Functions
4.7.1 Default Argument Values
4.7.2 Keyword Arguments
4.7.3 Arbitrary Argument Lists
4.7.4 Lambda Forms
4.7.5 Documentation Strings
5. Data Structures
5.1 More on Lists
5.1.1 Functional Programming Tools
5.2 The del statement
5.3 Tuples and Sequences
5.4 Dictionaries
5.5 More on Conditions
5.6 Comparing Sequences and Other Types
6. Modules
6.1 More on Modules
6.1.1 The Module Search Path
6.1.2 ``Compiled'' Python files
6.2 Standard Modules
6.3 The dir() Function
6.4 Packages
6.4.1 Importing * From a Package
6.4.2 Intra-package References
7. Input and Output
7.1 Fancier Output Formatting
7.2 Reading and Writing Files
7.2.1 Methods of File Objects
7.2.2 The pickle Module
8. Errors and Exceptions
8.1 Syntax Errors
8.2 Exceptions
8.3 Handling Exceptions
8.4 Raising Exceptions
8.5 User-defined Exceptions
8.6 Defining Clean-up Actions
9. Classes
9.1 A Word About Terminology
9.2 Python Scopes and Name Spaces
9.3 A First Look at Classes
9.3.1 Class Definition Syntax
9.3.2 Class Objects
9.3.3 Instance Objects
9.3.4 Method Objects
9.4 Random Remarks
9.5 Inheritance
9.5.1 Multiple Inheritance
9.6 Private Variables
9.7 Odds and Ends
9.7.1 Exceptions Can Be Classes
10. What Now?
A. Interactive Input Editing and History Substitution
A1. Line Editing
A2. History Substitution
A3. Key Bindings
A4. Commentary
Python Tutorial
1. Whetting Your Appetite
Python Tutorial
Front Matter
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