80x87 Instruction Set (x87 - Pentium)

Click Integer opcodes for integer instructions

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 reg   = floating point register, st(0), st(1) ... st(7)
 mem   = memory address
 mem32 = memory address of 32-bit item
 mem64 = memory address of 64-bit item
 mem80 = memory address of 80-bit item

FPU instruction timings:

 FX = pairs with FXCH
 NP = no pairing
 Timings with a hyphen indicate a range of possible timings
 Timings with a slash (unless otherwise noted) are latency and throughput.
 Latency is the time between instructions dependent on the result.
 Throughput is the pipeline throughput between non conflicting instructions.
 EA = cycles to calculate the Effective Address

FPU instruction sizing:

All FPU instructions that do not access memory are two bytes in length. (except FWAIT which is one byte)

FPU instructions that access memory are four bytes for 16-bit addressing and six bytes for 32-bit addressing.

(end of legend)

Instruction formats, clock cycles and Pentium® Pairing info

F2XM1   Compute 2x-1

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                310-630      310-630    211-476  140-279   13-57   NP

FABS    Absolute value

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                 10-17        10-17       22        3       1      FX

FADD    Floating point add
FADDP   Floating point add and pop

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fadd         70-100       70-100     23-34     8-20    3/1     FX
    fadd  mem32  90-120+EA    90-120     24-32     8-20    3/1     FX
    fadd  mem64  95-125+EA    95-125     29-37     8-20    3/1     FX
    faddp        75-105       75-105     23-31     8-20    3/1     FX

FBLD    Load BCD

     operand      8087         287        387      486     Pentium
     mem       (290-310)+EA  290-310    266-275   70-103   48-58   NP

FBSTP   Store BCD and pop

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
               (520-540)+EA  520-540    512-534  172-176   148-154 NP

FCHS    Change sign

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                 10-17        10-17      24-25      6       1      FX

FCLEX   Clear exceptions
FNCLEX  Clear exceptions, no wait

    variations    8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fclex         2-8          2-8        11        7       9      NP
    fnclex        2-8          2-8        11        7       9      NP

                The wait version may take additional cycles

FCOM    Floating point compare
FCOMP   Floating point compare and pop
FCOMPP  Floating point compare and pop twice

    operand      8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fcom reg     40-50        40-50       24        4      4/1     FX
    fcom mem32  (60-70)+EA    60-70       26        4      4/1     FX
    fcom mem64  (65-75)+EA    65-75       31        4      4/1     FX
    fcomp        42-52        42-52       26        4      4/1     FX
    fcompp       45-55        45-55       26        5      4/1     FX

FCOS    Floating point cosine (387+)

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                   -            -       123-772  257-354   18-124  NP
                Additional cycles required if operand > pi/4 (~3.141/4 = ~.785)

FDECSTP         Decrement floating point stack pointer

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                  6-12         6-12       22        3       1      NP

FDISI   Disable interrupts (8087 only, others do fnop)
FNDISI  Disable interrupts, no wait (8087 only, others do fnop)

    variations    8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fdisi         2-8           2          2        3       1      NP
    fndisi        2-8           2          2        3       1      NP

                The wait version may take additional cycles

FDIV    Floating divide
FDIVP   Floating divide and pop

    operand       8087         287        387      46     Pentiu/m
    fdiv reg    193-203      193-203     88-91     73      39      FX
    fdiv mem32 (215-225)+EA  215-225      89       73      39      FX
    fdiv mem64 (220-230)+EA  220-230      94       73      39      FX
    fdivp       197-207      197-207      91       73      39      FX

FDIVR   Floating divide reversed
FDIVRP  Floating divide reversed and pop

   operand        8087         287        387      486     Pentium
   fdivr reg    194-204      194-204     88-91     73      39      FX
   fdivr mem32 (216-226)+EA  216-226      89       73      39      FX
   fdivr mem64 (221-231)+EA  221-231      94       73      39      FX
   fdivrp       198-208      198-208      91       73      39      FX

FENI    Enable interrupts (8087 only, others do fnop)
FNENI   Enable interrupts, nowait (8087 only, others do fnop)

    variations    8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    feni          2-8           2          2        3       1      NP
    fneni         2-8           2          2        3       1      NP

FFREE   Free register

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                  9-16         9-16       18        3       1      NP

FIADD   Integer add

      operand     8087         287        387      486     Pentium
      mem16    (102-137)+EA  102-137     71-85    20-35    7/4     NP
      mem32    (108-143)+EA  108-143     57-72    19-32    7/4     NP

FICOM   Integer compare
FICOMP  Integer compare and pop

   operand        8087         287        387      486     Pentium
   ficom  mem16  (72-86)+EA   72-86      71-75    16-20    8/4     NP
   ficom  mem32  (78-91)+EA   78-91      56-63    15-17    8/4     NP
   ficomp mem16  (74-88)+EA   74-88      71-75    16-20    8/4     NP
   ficomp mem32  (80-93)+EA   80-93      56-63    15-17    8/4     NP

FIDIV   Integer divide
FIDIVR  Integer divide reversed

   operand        8087         287        387      486     Pentium
   fidiv  mem16  (224-238)+EA  224-238  136-140   85-89    42      NP
   fidiv  mem32  (230-243)+EA  230-243  120-127   84-86    42      NP
   fidivr mem16  (225-239)+EA  225-239  135-141   85-89    42      NP
   fidivr mem32  (231-245)+EA  231-245  121-128   84-86    42      NP

FILD    Load integer

     operand      8087         287        387      486     Pentium
     mem16      (46-54)+EA    46-54      61-65    13-16    3/1     NP
     mem32      (52-60)+EA    52-60      45-52     9-12    3/1     NP
     mem64      (60-68)+EA    60-68      56-67    10-18    3/1     NP

FIMUL   Integer multiply

      operand     8087         287        387      486     Pentium
      mem16    (124-138)+EA   124-138    76-87    23-27    7/4     NP
      mem32    (130-144)+EA   130-144    61-82    22-24    7/4     NP

FINCSTP         Increment floating point stack pointer

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                  6-12         6-12       21        3       1      NP

FINIT   Initialize floating point processor
FNINIT  Initialize floating point processor, no wait

    variations    8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    finit         2-8          2-8        33       17      16      NP
    fninit        2-8          2-8        33       17      12      NP

                The wait version may take additional cycles

FIST    Store integer
FISTP   Store integer and pop

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fist  mem16  (80-90)+EA   80-90      82-95    29-34     6      NP
    fist  mem32  (82-92)+EA   82-92      79-93    28-34     6      NP
    fistp mem16  (82-92)+EA   82-92      82-95    29-34     6      NP
    fistp mem32  (84-94)+EA   84-94      79-93    28-34     6      NP
    fistp mem64  (94-105)+EA  94-105     80-97    28-34     6      NP

FISUB   Integer subtract
FISUBR  Integer subtract reversed

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fisub  mem16 (102-137)+EA 102-137     71-85    20-35    7/4     NP
    fisubr mem32 (108-143)+EA 108-143     57-82    19-32    7/4     NP

FLD     Floating point load

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    reg          17-22        17-22       14        4       1      FX
    mem32       (38-56)+EA    38-56       20        3       1      FX
    mem64       (40-60)+EA    40-60       25        3       1      FX
    mem80       (53-65)+EA    53-65       44        6       3      NP

             Load floating point constants

FLDZ    Load constant onto stack, 0.0
FLD1    Load constant onto stack, 1.0
FLDL2E  Load constant onto stack, logarithm base 2 (e)
FLDL2T  Load constant onto stack, logarithm base 2 (10)
FLDLG2  Load constant onto stack, logarithm base 10 (2)
FLDLN2  Load constant onto stack, natural logarithm (2)
FLDPI   Load constant onto stack, pi (3.14159...)

    variations    8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fldz         11-17        11-17       20        4       2      NP
    fld1         15-21        15-21       24        4       2      NP
    fldl2e       15-21        15-21       40        8      5/3     NP
    fldl2t       16-22        16-22       40        8      5/3     NP
    fldlg2       18-24        18-24       41        8      5/3     NP
    fldln2       17-23        17-23       41        8      5/3     NP
    fldpi        16-22        16-22       40        8      5/3     NP

FLDCW   Load control word

      operand     8087         287        387      486     Pentium
      mem16      (7-14)+EA     7-14       19        4       7      NP

FLDENV  Load environment state

        operand   8087         287        387      486     Pentium
        mem     (35-45)+EA    35-45       71      44/34    37/32-33 NP

                cycles for real mode/protected mode

FMUL    Floating point multiply
FMULP   Floating point multiply and pop

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fmul reg s    90-105       90-105    29-52     16      3/1     FX
    fmul reg     130-145      130-145    46-57     16      3/1     FX
    fmul mem32  (110-125)+EA  110-125    27-35     11      3/1     FX
    fmul mem64  (154-168)+EA  154-168    32-57     14      3/1     FX
    fmulp reg s   94-108       94-108    29-52     16      3/1     FX
    fmulp reg    134-148      134-148    29-57     16      3/1     FX

            s = register with 40 trailing zeros in fraction

FNOP    no operation
                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium

                 10-16        10-16       12        3       1      NP

FPATAN  Partial arctangent

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                250-800      250-800    314-487  218-303   17-173

FPREM   Partial remainder
FPREM1  Partial remainder (IEEE compatible, 387+)

    variations    8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fprem        15-190       15-190     74-155   70-138   16-64   NP
    fprem1         -            -        95-185   72-167   20-70   NP

FPTAN   Partial tangent

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                 30-540       30-540    191-497  200-273   17-173  NP
                 Additional cycles required if operand > pi/4 (~3.141/4 = ~.785) 
FRNDINT         Round to integer

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                 16-50        16-50      66-80    21-30    9-20    NP

FRSTOR  Restore saved state

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    frstor  mem  (197-207)+EA 197-207     308    131/120   75-95/70 NP
    frstorw mem    -            -         308    131/120   75-95/70 NP
    frstord mem    -            -         308    131/120   75-95/70 NP

                  cycles for real mode/protected mode

                        Save FPU State

FSAVE   Save FPU state
FSAVEW  Save FPU state, 16-bit format (387+)
FSAVED  Save FPU state, 32-bit format (387+)
FSAVE   Save FPU state, no wait
FSAVEW  Save FPU state, no wait, 16-bit format (387+)
FSAVED  Save FPU state, no wait, 32-bit format (387+)

    variations    8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fsave      (197-207)+EA  197-207    375-376  154/143  127-151/124 NP
    fsavew                              375-376  154/143  127-151/124 NP
    fsaved                              375-376  154/143  127-151/124 NP
    fnsave     (197-207)+EA  197-207    375-376  154/143  127-151/124 NP
    fnsavew                             375-376  154/143  127-151/124 NP
    fnsaved                             375-376  154/143  127-151/124 NP

                Cycles for real mode/protected mode
                The wait version may take additional cycles

FSCALE  Scale by factor of 2

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                 32-38        32-38      67-86    30-32    20-31   NP

FSETPM  Set protected mode (287 only, 387+ = fnop)

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                   -           2-8        12        3       1      NP

FSIN            Sine (387+)
FSINCOS         Sine and cosine (387+)

    variations    8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fsin           -            -       122-771  257-354   16-126  NP
    fsincos        -            -       194-809  292-365   17-137  NP
   Additional cycles required if operand > pi/4 (~3.141/4 = ~.785) 

FSQRT   Square root

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                180-186      180-186    122-129   83-87    70      NP

FST     Floating point store
FSTP    Floating point store and pop

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fst  reg     15-22        15-22       11        3       1      NP
    fst  mem32  (84-90)+EA    84-90       44        7       2      NP
    fst  mem64  (96-104)+EA   96-104      45        8       2      NP
    fstp reg     17-24        17-24       12        3       1      NP
    fstp mem32  (86-92)+EA    86-92       44        7       2      NP
    fstp mem64  (98-106)+EA   98-106      45        8       2      NP
    fstp mem80  (52-58)+EA    52-58       53        6       3      NP

FSTCW   Store control word
FNSTCW  Store control word, no wait

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fstcw  mem   12-18        12-18       15        3       2      NP
    fnstcw mem   12-18        12-18       15        3       2      NP

                The wait version may take additional cycles

                        Store FPU environment

FSTENV          Store FPU environment
FSTENVW         Store FPU environment, 16-bit format (387+)
FSTENVD         Store FPU environment, 32-bit format (387+)
FNSTENV         Store FPU environment, no wait
FNSTENVW        Store FPU environment, no wait, 16-bit format (387+)
FNSTENVD        Store FPU environment, no wait, 32-bit format (387+)

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fstenv   mem  (40-50)+EA    40-50     103-104   67/56    48-50   NP
    fstenvw  mem                          103-104   67/56    48-50   NP
    fstenvd  mem                          103-104   67/56    48-50   NP
    fnstenv  mem  (40-50)+EA    40-50     103-104   67/56    48-50   NP
    fnstenvw mem                          103-104   67/56    48-50   NP
    fnstenvd mem                          103-104   67/56    48-50   NP

                Cycles for real mode/protected mode
                The wait version may take additional cycles

FSTSW   Store status word
FNSTSW  Store status word, no wait

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fstsw  mem   12-18        12-18       15        3       2      NP
    fstsw  ax      -          10-16       13        3       2      NP
    fnstsw mem   12-18        12-18       15        3       2      NP
    fnstsw ax      -          10-16       13        3       2      NP

                The wait version may take additional cycles

FSUB    Floating point subtract
FSUBP   Floating point subtract and pop

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fsub  reg     70-100      70-100     26-37     8-20    3/1     FX
    fsub  mem32  (90-120)+EA  90-120     24-32     8-20    3/1     FX
    fsub  mem64  (95-125)+EA  95-125     28-36     8-20    3/1     FX
    fsubp reg     75-105      75-105     26-34     8-20    3/1     FX

FSUBR   Floating point reverse subtract
FSUBRP  Floating point reverse subtract and pop

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fsubr  reg    70-100      70-100     26-37     8-20    3/1     FX
    fsubr  mem32 (90-120)+EA  90-120     24-32     8-20    3/1     FX
    fsubr  mem64 (95-125)+EA  95-125     28-36     8-20    3/1     FX
    fsubrp reg    75-105      75-105     26-34     8-20    3/1     FX

FTST    Floating point test for zero

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                 38-48        38-48       28        4      4/1     FX

FUCOM   Unordered floating point compare (387+)
FUCOMP  Unordered floating point compare and pop (387+)
FUCOMPP Unordered floating point compare and pop twice (387+)

    variations    8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fucom          -            -         24        4      4/1     FX
    fucomp         -            -         26        4      4/1     FX
    fucompp        -            -         26        5      4/1     FX

FWAIT   Wait while FPU is executing

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                   4            3          6       1-3     1-3     NP

FXAM    Examine condition flags

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                 12-23        12-23      30-38      8      21      NP

FXCH    Exchange floating point registers

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                 10-15        10-15       18        4      0-1     *

        * FCXH is pairable in the V pipe with all FX pairable instructions

FXTRACT         Extract exponent and significand

                  8087         287        387      486     Pentium
                 27-55        27-55      70-76    16-20    13      NP

FYL2X           Compute Y * log2(x)
FYL2XP1         Compute Y * log2(x+1)

    variations    8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fyl2x       900-1100     900-1100   120-538  196-329   22-111  NP
    fyl2xp1     700-1000     700-1000   257-547  171-326   22-103  NP