80x86 Integer Instruction Set (8088 - Pentium)

Click FPU opcodes for floating point instructions

Jump to end of legend


 acc   = AL, AX or EAX unless specified otherwise
 reg   = any general register
 r8    = any 8-bit register
 r16   = any general purpose 16-bit register
 r32   = any general purpose 32-bit register
 imm   = immediate data
 imm8  = 8-bit immediate data
 imm16 = 16-bit immediate data
 mem   = memory address
 mem8  = address of 8-bit data item
 mem16 = address of 16-bit data item
 mem32 = address of 32-bit data item
 mem48 = address of 48-bit data item
 dest  = 16/32-bit destination
 short = 8-bit destination

 Integer instruction timings:
  n  -  generally refers to a number of repeated counts
  m  -  in a jump or call;
         286: bytes in next instruction
         386/486: number of components
          (each byte of opcode) + 1 (if immed data) + 1 (if displacement)
  EA = cycles to calculate the Effective Address
        base   = 5   BP+DI or BX+SI = 7   BP+DI+disp or BX+SI+disp = 11
        index  = 5   BX+DI or BP+SI = 8   BX+DI+disp or BP+SI+disp = 12
        disp   = 6   segment override = +2
       286 - 486:
        base+index+disp = +1    all others, no penalty

 instruction length:

The byte count includes the opcode length and length of any required
displacement or immediate data. If the displacement is optional, it
is shown as d() with the possible lengths in parentheses. If the
immediate data is optional, it is shown as i() with the possible
lengths in parentheses.

pairing categories for Pentium:

   NP = not pairable
   UV = pairable in the U pipe or V pipe
   PU = pairable in the U pipe only
   PV = pairable in the V pipe only

(end of legend)

Instruction formats, clock cycles and Pentium® Pairing info

AAA     ASCII adjust after addition

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       8       8       3       4       3       3   NP

        Example:        aaa

AAD     ASCII adjust AX before division (second byte is divisor)

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 2      60      15      14      19      14      10   NP

        Example:        aad

AAM     ASCII adjust AX after multiply (second byte is divisor)

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 2      83      19      16      17      15      18   NP

        Example:        aam

AAS     ASCII adjust AL after subtraction

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       8       7       3       4       3       3   NP

        Example:        aas

ADC     Integer add with carry

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     2       3       3       2       2       1       1   PU
    mem, reg  2+d(0,2)  24+EA   10       7       7       3       3   PU
    reg, mem  2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       7       6       2       2   PU
    reg, imm  2+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   PU
    mem, imm  2+d(0,2)  23+EA   16       7       7       3       3   PU*
    acc, imm  1+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   PU

        * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        adc     eax, ebx

ADD     Integer addition

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     2       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    mem, reg  2+d(0,2)  24+EA   10       7       7       3       3   UV
    reg, mem  2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       7       6       2       2   UV
    reg, imm  2+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV
    mem, imm  2+d(0,2)  23+EA   16       7       7       3       3   UV*
    acc, imm  1+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV

        * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        add     eax, ebx

AND     Logical AND

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     2       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    mem, reg  2+d(0,2)  24+EA   10       7       7       3       3   UV
    reg, mem  2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       7       6       2       2   UV
    reg, imm  2+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV
    mem, imm  2+d(0,2)  23+EA   16       7       7       3       3   UV*
    acc, imm  1+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV

        * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        and     eax, ebx

ARPL    Adjust RPL field of selector (286+)

     operands   bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     reg, reg    2                      10      20       9       7   NP
     mem, reg  2+d(0-2)                 11      21       9       7   NP

        Example:        arpl    ax, bx

BOUND   Check array index against bounds (186+)

      operands  bytes           186     286     386     486     Pentium
      reg, mem    4             35      13      10       7       8   NP

        Example:        bound   bx, array

BSF     Bit scan forward (386+)

    operands    bytes                           386     486     Pentium
    r16, r16     3                             10+3n    6-42   6-34  NP
    r32, r32     3                             10+3n    6-42   6-42  NP
    r16, m16  3+d(0,1,2)                       10+3n    7-43   6-35  NP
    r32, m32  3+d(0,1,2,4)                     10+3n    7-43   6-43  NP

        Example:        bsf     eax, [esi]

BSR     Bit scan reverse (386+)

    operands    bytes                           386     486     Pentium
    r16, r16     3                             10+3n    6-103  7-39  NP
    r32, r32     3                             10+3n    7-104  7-71  NP
    r16, m16  3+d(0,1,2)                       10+3n    6-103  7-40  NP
    r32, m32  3+d(0,1,2,4)                     10+3n    7-104  7-72  NP

        Example:        bsr     eax, [esi]

BSWAP  Byte swap (486+)

      operand   bytes                                   486     Pentium
      r32        2                                       1       1   NP

        Example:        bswap   eax

BT      Bit test (386+)

   operands     bytes                           386     486     Pentium
   reg, reg      3                               3       3       4   NP
   mem, reg    3+d(0,1,2,4)                     12       8       9   NP
   reg, imm8     3+i(1)                          3       3       4   NP
   mem, imm8   3+d(0,1,2,4)+i(1)                 6       3       4   NP

        Example:        bt      eax, 4

BTC     Bit test and complement (386+)

    operands    bytes                           386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     3                               6       6       7   NP
    mem, reg   3+d(0,1,2,4)                     13      13      13   NP
    reg, imm8    3+i(1)                          6       6       7   NP
    mem, imm8  3+d(0,1,2,4)+i(1)                 8       8       8   NP

        Example:        btc     eax, 4

BTR     Bit test and reset (386+)

    operands    bytes                           386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     3                               6       6       7   NP
    mem, reg   3+d(0,1,2,4)                     13      13      13   NP
    reg, imm8    3+i(1)                          6       6       7   NP
    mem, imm8  3+d(0,1,2,4)+i(1)                 8       8       8   NP

        Example:        btr     eax, 4

BTS     Bit test and set (386+)

    operands    bytes                           386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     3                               6       6       7   NP
    mem, reg   3+d(0,1,2,4)                     13      13      13   NP
    reg, imm8    3+i(1)                          6       6       7   NP
    mem, imm8  3+d(0,1,2,4)+i(1)                 8       8       8   NP

        Example:        bts     eax, 4

CALL    Call subroutine

     operand    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
     near        3      23      14      7+m     7+m      3       1   PV
     reg         2      20      13      7+m     7+m      5       2   NP
     mem16    2+d(0-2)  29+EA   19      11+m    10+m     5       2   NP
     far         5      36      23      13+m    17+m    18       4   NP
     mem32    2+d(0-2)  53+EA   38      16+m    22+m    17       4   NP

                             Protected Mode

     operand    bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     far         5                      26+m    34+m    20     4-13  NP
     mem32    2+d(0-2)                  29+m    38+m    20     5-14  NP

            cycles not shown for calls through call and task gates

        Example:        call    my_function

CBW     Convert byte to word   (AL --> AX)

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       2       2       2       3       3       3   NP

        Example:        cbw

CWDE    Convert word to dword (386+)  (AX --> EAX)

                bytes                           386     486     Pentium
                 1                               3       3       3   NP

        Example:        cwde

CWD     Convert word to double  (AX --> DX:AX)

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       5       4       2       2       3       2   NP

        Example:        cwd

CDQ     Convert double to quad   (EAX --> EDX:EAX)

                bytes                           386     486     Pentium
                 1                               2       3       2   NP

        Example:        cdq

CLC     Clear the carry flag

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       2       2       2       2       2       2   NP

        Example:        clc

CLD     Clear the direction flag (set to forward direction)

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       2       2       2       2       2       2   NP

        Example:        cld

CLI     Clear the interrupt flag (disable interrupts)

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       2       2       3       3       5       7   NP

        Example:        cli

CLTS    Clear task switched flag in CR0 (286+)

                bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
                 2                       2       5       7      10   NP

        Example:        clts

CMC     Complement carry flag

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       2       2       2       2       2       2   NP

        Example:        cmc

CMP     Compare two operands

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     2       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    mem, reg  2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       7       5       2       2   UV
    reg, mem  2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       6       6       2       2   UV
    reg, imm  2+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV
    mem, imm  2+d(0,2)  14+EA   10       6       5       2       2   UV*
    acc, imm  1+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV

        * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        cmp     eax, 3

CMPS/CMPSB/CMPSW/CMPSD    Compare string operands

  variations    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
  cmpsb          1      30      22       8      10       8       5   NP
  cmpsw          1      -       -        -      10       8       5   NP
  cmpsd          1      -       -        -      10       8       5   NP
  repX cmpsb     2      9+30n   5+22n   5+9n    5+9n    7+7n*   9+4n NP
  repX cmpsw     2      9+30n   5+22n   5+9n    5+9n    7+7n*   9+4n NP
  repX cmpsd     2       -       -       -      5+9n    7+7n*   9+4n NP

    repX = repe, repz, repne or repnz
        * : 5 if n = 0

        Example:        repne cmpsb

CMPXCHG    Compare and Exchange (486+)

        operands        bytes                           486     Pentium
        reg, reg         3                               6       5   NP
        mem, reg       3+d(0-2)                         7-10     6   NP

        Example:        cmpxchg ebx, edx

CMPXCHG8B  Compare and Exchange 8 bytes (Pentium+)

          operands      bytes                                   Pentium
          mem, reg     3+d(0-2)                                 10   NP

        Example:        cmpxchg8b [ebx], edx

CPUID   CPU identification (Pentium+)

                bytes                                           Pentium
                 2                                              14   NP

        Example:        cpuid

DAA     Decimal adjust AL after addition

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       4       4       3       4       2       3   NP

        Example:        daa

DAS     Decimal adjust AL after subtraction

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       4       4       3       4       2       3   NP

        Example:        das

DEC     Decrement

    operand     bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    r8           2       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    r16          1       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    r32          1       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    mem       2+d(0,2)  23+EA   15       7       6       3       3   UV

        Example:        dec     eax

DIV     Unsigned divide

    operand     bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    r8           2     80-90     29     14      14      16      17   NP
    r16          2    144-162    38     22      22      24      25   NP
    r32          2       -       -       -      38      40      41   NP
    mem8    2+d(0-2)   86-96+EA  35     17      17      16      17   NP
    mem16   2+d(0-2)  150-168+EA 44     25      25      24      25   NP
    mem32   2+d(0-2)     -       -       -      41      40      41   NP

   implied    operand       quotient   remainder
   AX      /  byte       =      AL     AH
   DX:AX   /  word       =      AX     DX
   EDX:EAX /  dword      =     EAX     EDX

        Example:        div     ebx

ENTER   Make stack frame for procedure parameters (186+)

      operands  bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
      imm16, 0     3     -      15      11      10      14      11   NP
      imm16, 1     4     -      25      15      12      17      15   NP
      imm16, imm8  4     -   22+16n    12+4n   15+4n   17+3i  15+2i  NP
                        n = imm8-1;  i = imm8

        Example:        enter   1, 0

ESC     Escape

escape opcodes D8 - DF are used by floating point instructions

HLT     Halt

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       2       2       2       5       4       4   NP

        Example:        hlt

IDIV    Signed divide

     operand    bytes    8088      186    286    386    486     Pentium
     r8          2     101-112    44-52   17     19     19      22   NP
     r16         2     165-184    53-61   25     27     27      30   NP
     r32         2       -          -      -     43     43      46   NP
     mem8   2+d(0-2)  107-118+EA  50-58   20     22     20      22   NP
     mem16  2+d(0-2)  171-190+EA  59-67   28     30     28      30   NP
     mem32  2+d(0-2)     -          -      -     46     44      46   NP

   implied    operand       quotient   remainder
   AX      /  byte       =      AL     AH
   DX:AX   /  word       =      AX     DX
   EDX:EAX /  dword      =     EAX     EDX

        Example:        idiv    ebx

IMUL    Signed multiply

                         Accumulator Multiplies

     operand    bytes   8088     186    286     386     486     Pentium
     r8          2      80-98    25-28  13      9-14    13-18   11   NP
     r16         2     128-154   34-37  21      9-22    13-26   11   NP
     r32         2       -        -      -      9-38    13-42   10   NP
     mem8    2+d(0-2)  86-104+EA 32-34  16     12-17    13-18   11   NP
     mem16   2+d(0-2) 134-160+EA 40-43  24     12-25    13-26   11   NP
     mem32   2+d(0-2)    -        -      -     12-41    13-42   10   NP

     implied      operand      result
   multiplicand (multiplier)

        AL    *  byte       =  AX
        AX    *  word       =  DX:AX
        EAX   *  dword      =  EDX:EAX

        Example:        imul    ebx

                        2 and 3 operand Multiplies

     operands       bytes     186   286    386         486      Pentium
     r16, imm      2+i(1,2)    -    21  9-14/9-22  13-18/13-26  10   NP
     r32, imm      2+i(1,2)    -     -     9-38       13-42     10   NP
     r16,r16,imm   2+i(1,2)  22/29  21  9-14/9-22  13-18/13-26  10   NP
     r32,r32,imm   2+i(1,2)    -     -     9-38       13-42     10   NP
     r16,m16,imm   2+d(0-2)  25/32  24 12-17/12-25 13-18/13-26  10   NP
     r32,m32,imm   2+d(0-2)+i(1,2)   -    12-41       13-42     10   NP
     r16, r16      2+i(1,2)    -     -     9-22    13-18/13-26  10   NP
     r32, r32      2+i(1,2)    -     -     9-38       13-42     10   NP
     r16, m16      2+d(0-2)+i(1,2)   -    12-25    13-18/13-26  10   NP
     r32, m32      2+d(0-2)+i(1,2)   -    12-41       13-42     10   NP

all forms: dest, src                          cycles for:   byte/word
               or                                             dword
           dest, src1, src2

        Example:        imul    eax, ebx, 10

IN      Input from port

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    al, imm8     2      14      10       5      12      14       7   NP
    ax, imm8     2      14      10       5      12      14       7   NP
    eax, imm8    2       -       -       -      12      14       7   NP
    al, dx       1      12       8       5      13      14       7   NP
    ax, dx       1      12       8       5      13      14       7   NP
    eax, dx      1       -       -       -      13      14       7   NP

                             Protected mode

   operands     bytes                           386     486     Pentium
   acc, imm      2                           6/26/26  9/29/27  4/21/19 NP
   acc, dx       1                           7/27/27  8/28/27  4/21/19 NP

                   cycles for: CPL <= IOPL / CPL > IOPL / V86

        Example:        in      al, dx

INC     Increment

    operand     bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    r8           2       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    r16          1       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    r32          1       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    mem       2+d(0,2)  23+EA   15       7       6       3       3   UV

        Example:        inc     ebx

INS/INSB/INSW/INSD     Input from port to string

    variations  bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    insb         1       -      14       5      15      17      9    NP
    insw         1       -      14       5      15      17      9    NP
    insd         1       -       -       -      15      17      9    NP

                             Protected Mode

                bytes                           386     486     Pentium
                 1                           9/29/29 10/32/30 6/24/22 NP

                   cycles for: CPL <= IOPL / CPL > IOPL / V86

        Example:        rep insb

INT     Call interrupt procedure

      operands  bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
        3        1      72      45      23+m    33      26      13   NP
        imm8     2      71      47      23+m    37      30      16   NP

                             Protected mode

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1      -       -     (40-78)+m 59-99   44-71  27-82 NP

        Example:        int     21h

INTO    Call interrupt procedure if overflow

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1      4/73    4/48    3/24+m  3/35    3/28    4/13 NP

                             Protected mode

                bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
                 1                    (40-78)+m 59-99   44-71  27-56 NP

                          Task switch clocks not shown

        Example:        into

INVD    Invalidate data cache (486+)

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 2       -       -       -       -       4      15   NP

        Example:        invd

INVLPG  Invalidate TLB entry (486+)

      operands  bytes                                   486     Pentium
        mem32   5                                       12      25   NP

        Example:        invlpg  [eax]

IRET    Return from interrupt

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                1       44      28      17+m    22      15     8-27  NP

                      Task switch clocks not shown

        Example:        iret

IRETD   32-bit return from interrupt (386+)

                bytes                           386     486     Pentium
                1                               22      15    10-27  NP

                      Task switch clocks not shown

        Example:        iretd

Jcc     Jump on condition code

    operand     bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    near8        2      4/16    4/13    3/7+m   3/7+m   1/3     1    PV
    near16       3       -       -       -      3/7+m   1/3     1    PV

                       cycles for:  no jump/jump

                     conditional jump instructions:

  ja    jump if above                jnbe  jump if not below or equal
  jae   jump if above or equal       jnb   jump if not below
  jb    jump if below                jnae  jump if not above or equal
  jbe   jump if below or equal       jna   jump if not above
  jg    jump if greater              jnle  jump if not less or equal
  jge   jump if greater or equal     jnl   jump if not less
  jl    jump if less                 jnge  jump if not greater or equal
  jle   jump if less or equal        jng   jump if not greater

  je    jump if equal                jz    jump if zero
  jne   jump if not equal            jnz   jump if not zero

  jc    jump if carry                jnc   jump if not carry
  js    jump if sign                 jns   jump if not sign
  jnp   jump if no parity (odd)      jpo   jump if parity odd
  jo    jump if overflow             jno   jump if not overflow
  jp    jump if parity (even)        jpe   jump if parity even

        Example:        jne     not_equal

JCXZ/JECXZ    Jump if CX/ECX = 0

     operand    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
     dest        2      6/18    5/16    4/8+m   5/9+m   5/8     5/6  NP
     dest        2       -       -       -      5/9+m   5/8     5/6  NP

                       cycles for:  no jump/jump

        Example:        jcxz    cx_is_zero

JMP     Unconditional jump

    operand     bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    short        2      15      13      7+m     7+m      3       1   PV
    near         3      15      13      7+m     7+m      3       1   PV
    far          5      15      13     11+m    12+m     17       3   NP
    r16          2      11      11      7+m     7+m      5       2   NP
    mem16      2+d(0,2) 18+EA   17     11+m    10+m      5       2   NP
    mem32      2+d(4)   24+EA   26     15+m    12+m     13       4   NP

    r32          2       -       -       -      7+m      5       2   NP
    mem32      2+d(0,2)  -       -       -     10+m      5       2   NP
    mem48      2+d(6)    -       -       -     12+m     13       4   NP

             cycles for jumps through call gates not shown

        Example:        jmp     target_address

LAHF    Load flags into AH

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       4       2       2       2       3       2   NP

        Example:        lahf

LAR     Load access rights byte (286+)

    operands    bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
    r16, r16     3                      14      15      11       8   NP
    r32, r32     3                       -      15      11       8   NP
    r16, m16     3                      16      16      11       8   NP
    r32, m32     3                       -      16      11       8   NP

        Example:        lar     eax, ebx

LDS     Load far pointer

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, mem   2+d(2)   24+EA   18       7       7       6       4   NP

        Example:        lds     si, ptr_1

LES     Load far pointer

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, mem   2+d(2)   24+EA   18       7       7       6       4   NP

        Example:        les     di, ptr_2

LFS     Load far pointer (386+)

    operands    bytes                           386     486     Pentium
    reg, mem   3+d(2,4)                          7       6       4   NP

        Example:        lfs     si, ptr_3

LGS     Load far pointer (386+)

    operands    bytes                           386     486     Pentium
    reg, mem   3+d(2,4)                          7       6       4   NP

        Example:        lgs     si, ptr_4

LSS     Load stack segment and offset

    operands    bytes                           386     486     Pentium
    reg, mem   3+d(2,4)                          7       6       4   NP

        Example:        lss     bp, ptr_5

LEA     Load effective address

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    r16, mem    2+d(2)  2+EA     6       3       2      1-2      1   UV
    r32, mem    2+d(2)   -       -       -       2      1-2      1   UV

        Example:        lea     eax, [eax+ebx*2+3]

LEAVE   High level procedure exit (186+)

                bytes           186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1               8       5       4       5       3   NP

        Example:        leave

LGDT    Load global descriptor table register (286+)

    operand     bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     mem48       5                      11      11      11       6   NP

        Example:        lgdt    descriptor[ebx]

LIDT    Load interrupt descriptor table register (286+)

    operand     bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     mem48       5                      12      11      11       6   NP

        Example:        lidt    descriptor[ebx]

LLDT    Load local descriptor table register (286+)

    operand     bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     r16         3                      17      20      11       9   NP
     mem16     3+d(0-2)                 19      24      11       9   NP

        Example:        lldt    ax

LMSW    Load machine status word (286+)

    operand     bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     r16         3                       3      10      13       8   NP
     mem16     3+d(0-2)                  6      13      13       8   NP

        Example:        lmsw    ax

LOCK    Lock bus on next instruction (prefix)

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       2       2       0       0       1       1   NP

  (Note: xchg always is locked whether it is specified or not)

        Example:        lock    mov     mem, 1

LODS/LODSB/LODSW/LODSD    Load string operand

    variations  bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    lodsb        1      16      10       5       5       5       2   NP
    lodsw        1      16      10       5       5       5       2   NP
    lodsd        1       -       -       -       5       5       2   NP

        Example:        lodsb

LOOP    Loop control with CX counter

      operand   bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
      short      2      5/17    5/15    4/8+m   11+m    6/7     5/6  NP

loopw short   (uses CX in 32-bit mode)
loopd short   (uses ECX in 16-bit mode)

        Example:        loop    loop_start

LOOPE/LOOPZ   Loop while equal (or zero)

      operand   bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
      short      2      6/18    5/16    4/8     11+m    6/9     7/8  NP

loopew short  (uses CX in 32-bit mode)
loopzw short  (uses CX in 32-bit mode)
looped short  (uses ECX in 16-bit mode)
loopzd short  (uses ECX in 16-bit mode)

        Example:        loope   loop_start

LOOPNE/LOOPNZ  Loop while not equal (or not zero)

        operand bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
        short    2      5/19    5/16    4/8     11+m    6/9     7/8  NP

loopnew short  (uses CX in 32-bit mode)
loopnzw short  (uses CX in 32-bit mode)
loopned short  (uses ECX in 16-bit mode)
loopnzd short  (uses ECX in 16-bit mode)

        Example:        loopne  loop_start

LSL     Load segment limit (286+)

    operands    bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
    r16, r16     3                      14      20/25   10       8   NP
    r32, r32     3                       -      20/25   10       8
    r16, m16   3+d(0,2)                 16      21/26   10       8
    r32, m32   3+d(0,2)                  -      21/26   10       8

        Example:        lsl     eax, ebx

LTR     Load task register (286+)

    operand     bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
    r16          3                      17      23      20      10   NP
    mem16      3+d(0,2)                 19      27      20      10

        Example:        ltr     ax

MOV     Move data

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     2       2       2       2       2       1       1   UV
    mem, reg  2+d(0-2)  13+EA    9       3       2       1       1   UV
    reg, mem  2+d(0-2)  12+EA   12       5       4       1       1   UV
    mem, imm  2+d(0-2)  14+EA   12-13    3       2       1       1   UV*
    reg, imm  2+i(1,2)   4       3-4     2       2       1       1   UV

    acc, mem     3      14       8       5       4       1       1   UV
    mem, acc     3      14       9       3       2       1       1   UV

        * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        mov     eax, ebx

                         Segment Register Moves

                               Real Mode
    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    seg, r16     2       2       2       2       2       3     2-11   NP
    seg, m16   2+d(0,2) 12+EA    9       5       5       3     3-12   NP
    r16, seg     2       2       2       2       2       3       1    NP
    m16, seg   2+d(0,2) 13+EA   11       3       2       3       1    NP

        Example:        mov     ds, ax

                       Protected Mode Differences
    operands    bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
    seg, r16     2                      17      18       9     2-11*  NP
    seg, m16   2+d(0,2)                 19      19       9     3-12*  NP
                        * = add 8 if new descriptor; add 6 if SS

                    MOVE to/from special registers (386+)

    operands    bytes                           386     486     Pentium
    r32, cr32    3                               6       4       4    NP
    cr32, r32    3                              4/10*   4/16*  12/22* NP

    r32, dr32    3                              14/22*  10      2/12* NP
    dr32, r32    3                              16/22*  11     11/12* NP

    r32, tr32    3                              12      3/4*     -    NP
    tr32, r32    3                              12      4/6*     -    NP

              * = cycles depend on which special register

        Example:        mov     cr0, eax

MOVS/MOVSB/MOVSW/MOVSD    Move data from string to string

    variations  bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    movsb        1      18       9       5       7       7       4   NP
    movsw        1      26       9       5       7       7       4   NP
    movsd        1       -       -       -       7       7       4   NP
    rep movsb    2      9+17n   8+8n    5+4n    7+4n   12+3n*   3+n  NP
    rep movsw    2      9+25n   8+8n    5+4n    7+4n   12+3n*   3+n  NP
    rep movsd    2       -       -       -      7+4n   12+3n*   3+n  NP

                        * = 5 if n=0, 13 if n=1
                 (n = count of bytes, words or dwords)

        Example:        rep movsb

MOVSX   Move with sign-extend (386+)

      operands  bytes                           386     486     Pentium
      reg, reg   3                               3       3       3   NP
      reg, mem   3+d(0,1,2,4)                    6       3       3   NP

        (Note: destination reg is 16 or 32-bits; source is 8 or 16 bits)

        Example:        movsx   ebx, ax

MOVZX   Move with zero-extend (386+)

      operands  bytes                           386     486     Pentium
      reg, reg   3                               3       3       3   NP
      reg, mem   3+d(0,1,2,4)                    6       3       3   NP

        (Note: destination reg is 16 or 32-bits; source is 8 or 16 bits)

        Example:        movzx   ebx, ax

MUL     Unsigned multiply

    operand     bytes   8088     186    286     386     486     Pentium
    r8           2     70-77    26-28   13      9-14   13-18    11   NP
    r16          2    118-133   35-37   21      9-22   13-26    11   NP
    r32          2       -        -      -      9-38   13-42    10   NP
    mem8    2+d(0-2)  76-83+EA  32-34   16     12-17   13-18    11   NP
    mem16   2+d(0-2) 124-139+EA 41-43   24     12-25   13-26    11   NP
    mem32   2+d(0-2)     -        -      -     12-41   13-42    10   NP

     implied      operand      result
   multiplicand (multiplier)
        AL    *  byte       =  AX
        AX    *  word       =  DX:AX
        EAX   *  dword      =  EDX:EAX

        Example:        mul     ebx

NEG     Two's complement negation

    operand     bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg          2       3       3       2       2       1       1   NP
    mem       2+d(0-2)  24+EA   13       7       6       3       3   NP

        Example:        neg     eax

NOP     No operation

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       3       3       3       3       1       1   UV

        Example:        nop

NOT     One's complement negation

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg          2       3       3       2       2       1       1   NP
    mem       2+d(0-2)  24+EA   13       7       6       3       3   NP

        Example:        not     eax

OR      Logical inclusive or

   operands     bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
   reg, reg      2       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
   mem, reg   2+d(0,2)  24+EA   10       7       7       3       3   UV
   reg, mem   2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       7       6       2       2   UV
   reg, imm   2+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV
   mem, imm   2+d(0,2)  23+EA   16       7       7       3       3   UV*
   acc, imm   1+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV

        * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        or      eax, ebx

OUT     Output to port

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    imm8, al     2      14       9       3      10      16      12   NP
    imm8, ax     2      14       9       3      10      16      12   NP
    imm8, eax    2       -       -       -      10      16      12   NP
    dx, al       1      12       7       3      11      16      12   NP
    dx, ax       1      12       7       3      11      16      12   NP
    dx, eax      1       -       -       -      11      16      12   NP

                             Protected Mode

    operands    bytes                           386     486     Pentium
    imm8, acc    2                            4/24/24 11/31/29 9/26/24 NP
    dx, acc      1                            5/25/25 10/30/29 9/26/24 NP

               cycles for: CPL <= IOPL / CPL > IOPL / V86

        Example:        out     dx, al

OUTS/OUTSB/OUTSW/OUTSD    Output string to port

    variations  bytes           186     286     386     486     Pentium
    outsb        1              14       5      14      17      13   NP
    outsw        1              14       5      14      17      13   NP
    outsd        1               -       -      14      17      13   NP

                             Protected Mode

                bytes                           386     486     Pentium
                 1                           8/28/28 10/32/30 10/27/25 NP

               cycles for: CPL <= IOPL / CPL > IOPL / V86

        Example:        rep outsw

POP     Pop a word/dword from the stack

    operand     bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg          1      12      10       5       4       1       1   UV
    mem       2+d(0-2)  25+EA   20       5       5       6       3   NP
    seg          1      12       8       5       7       3       3   NP
    FS/GS        2       -       -       -       7       3       3   NP

                             Protected Mode

    operand     bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
    CS/DS/ES     1                      20      21       9     3-12  NP
    SS           1                      20      21       9     8-17  NP
    FS/GS        2                       -      21       9     3-12  NP

        Example:        pop     eax

POPA/POPAD    Pop all (186+)/Pop all double (386+)

    variations  bytes           186     286     386     486     Pentium
    popa         1              51      19      24       9       5   NP
    popad        1               -       -      24       9       5   NP

  popa  = pop di, si, bp, sp, bx, dx, cx, ax
  popad = pop edi, esi, ebp, esp, ebx, edx, ecx, eax
          (sp and esp are discarded)

        Example:        popa

POPF/POPFD   Pop flags/Pop flags double (386+)

    variations  bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    popf         1      12       8       5       5       9       6   NP
    popfd        1       -       -       -       5       9       6   NP

                             Protected Mode

                bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
    popf         1                       5       5       6       4   NP
    popfd        1                       -       5       6       4   NP

        Example:        popf

PUSH   push a word/dword to the stack

     operand    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
     reg         1      15      10       3       2       1       1   UV
     mem      2+d(0-2)  24+EA   16       5       5       4       2   NP
     seg         1      14       9       3       2       3       1   NP
     imm     1+i(1,2)    -       -       3       2       1       1   NP
     FS/GS       2       -       -       -       2       3       1   NP

        Example:        push    eax

PUSHA/PUSHAD   Push all (186+)/Push all double (386+)
    variations  bytes           186     286     386     486     Pentium
    pusha        1              36      17      18      11       5   NP
    pushad       1               -       -      18      11       5   NP

  pusha  = push ax, cx, dx, bx, sp, bp, si, di,
  pushad = push eax, ecx, edx, ebx, esp, ebp, esi, edi

        Example:        pusha

PUSHF/PUSHFD   Push flags/Push flags double (386+)

    variations  bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    pushf        1      14       9       3       4       4       9   NP
    pushfd       1       -       -       -       4       4       9   NP

                             Protected Mode

                bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
    pushf        1                       3       4       3       3   NP
    pushfd       1                       -       4       3       3   NP

        Example:        pushf

RCL     Rotate bits left with CF

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, 1       2       2       2       2       9       3       1   PU
    mem, 1    2+d(0,2)  23+EA   15       7      10       4       3   PU
    reg, cl      2       8+4n    5+n    5+n      9      8-30    7-24 NP
    mem, cl   2+d(0,2) 28+EA+4n 17+n    8+n     10      9-31    9-26 NP
    reg, imm     3       -       5+n    5+n      9      8-30    8-25 NP
    mem, imm  3+d(0,2)   -      17+n    8+n     10      9-31   10-27 NP

        Example:        rcl     eax, 16

RCR     Rotate bits right with CF

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, 1       2       2       2       2       9       3       1   PU
    mem, 1    2+d(0,2)  23+EA   15       7      10       4       3   PU
    reg, cl      2       8+4n    5+n    5+n      9      8-30    7-24 NP
    mem, cl   2+d(0,2) 28+EA+4n 17+n    8+n     10      9-31    9-26 NP
    reg, imm     3       -       5+n    5+n      9      8-30    8-25 NP
    mem, imm  3+d(0,2)   -      17+n    8+n     10      9-31   10-27 NP

        Example:        rcr     eax, 16

ROL     Rotate bits left

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, 1       2       2       2       2       3       3       1   PU
    mem, 1    2+d(0,2)  23+EA   15       7       7       4       3   PU
    reg, cl      2       8+4n    5+n    5+n      3       3       4   NP
    mem, cl   2+d(0,2) 28+EA+4n 17+n    8+n      7       4       4   NP
    reg, imm     3       -       5+n    5+n      3       2       1   PU
    mem, imm  3+d(0,2)   -      17+n    8+n      7       4       3   PU*

       * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        rol     eax, 16

ROR     Rotate bits right

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, 1       2       2       2       2       3       3       1   PU
    mem, 1    2+d(0,2)  23+EA   15       7       7       4       3   PU
    reg, cl      2       8+4n    5+n    5+n      3       3       4   NP
    mem, cl   2+d(0,2) 28+EA+4n 17+n    8+n      7       4       4   NP
    reg, imm     3       -       5+n    5+n      3       2       1   PU
    mem, imm  3+d(0,2)   -      17+n    8+n      7       4       3   PU*

       * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        ror     eax, 16

RDMSR   Read from model specific register (Pentium+)

                bytes                                           Pentium
                2                                              20-24 NP

        Example:        rdmsr

REP     Repeat string operation

  See:  MOVS (rep movs)         move block
  See:  STOS (rep stos)         fill block

REPE    Repeat while equal (or zero) string operation

  See:  CMPS (repe cmps)        find non-matching memory items
  See:  CMPS (repe scas)        find non-acc matching byte in memory

REPNE   Repeat while not equal (or not zero) string operation

  See:  CMPS (repne cmps)       find first matching memory items
  See:  SCAS (repne scas)       find first matching memory item to acc

RET/RETN/RETF     Return from procedure

   operands     bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
   retn         1       20      16      11+m    10+m     5       2   NP
   retn imm16   1+d(2)  24      18      11+m    10+m     5       3   NP
   retf         1       34      22      15+m    18+m    13       4   NP
   retf imm16   1+d(2)  33      25      15+m    18+m    14       4   NP

  RET is coded by the assembler as near or far based on the
      procedure declaration and program model, as:

      RETN (return near)
      RETF (return far)

        Example:        ret

                             Protected Mode

    operands    bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
    retf        1                     25+m/55  32+m/62 18/33  4-13/23 NP
    retf imm16  1+d(2)                25+m/55  32+m/68 17/33  4-13/23 NP

         cycles for: same privilege level/lower privilege level

RSM     Resume from system management mode (Pentium+)

                bytes                                           Pentium
                 2                                              83   NP

        Example:        rsm

SAL/SHL/SAR/SHR   Shift bits

   operands     bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
   reg, 1        2       2       2       2       3       3       1   PU
   mem, 1     2+d(0,2)  23+EA   15       7       7       4       3   PU
   reg, cl       2       8+4n    5+n    5+n      3       3       4   NP
   mem, cl    2+d(0,2) 28+EA+4n 17+n    8+n      7       4       4   NP
   reg, imm      3       -       5+n    5+n      3       2       1   PU
   mem, imm   3+d(0,2)   -      17+n    8+n      7       4       3   PU*

       * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

   sal = shift arithmetic left         sar =  shift arithmetic right
   shl = shift left (same as sal)      shr =  shift right

        Example:        shl     eax, 1

SAHF    Store AH into flags

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       4       3       2       3       2       2   NP

        Example:        sahf

SBB     Integer subtraction with borrow

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     2       3       3       2       2       1       1   PU
    mem, reg  2+d(0,2)  24+EA   10       7       7       3       3   PU
    reg, mem  2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       7       6       2       2   PU
    reg, imm  2+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   PU
    mem, imm  2+d(0,2)  23+EA   16       7       7       3       3   PU*
    acc, imm  1+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   PU

       * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        sbb     eax, ebx

SCAS/SCASB/SCASW/SCASD    Scan string data

    variations  bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    scasb        1      19      15       7       7       6       4   NP
    scasw        1      19      15       7       7       6       4   NP
    scasd        1       -       -       -       7       6       4   NP
    repX scasb   2      9+15n   5+15n   5+8n    5+8n    7+5n*   8+4n NP
    repX scasw   2      9+19n   5+15n   5+8n    5+8n    7+5n*   8+4n NP
    repX scasd   2       -       -       -      5+8n    7+5n*   8+4n NP

    repX = repe or repz or repne or repnz

                     * = 5 if n=0
                     (n = count of bytes, words or dwords)

        Example:        repne   scasb

SET     Set byte to 1 on condition else set to 0 (386+)

      operand   bytes                           386     486     Pentium
      r8         3                               4      4/3     1/2  NP
      mem8     3+d(0-2)                          5      3/4     1/2  NP

                        Cycles are for:  true/false

  setCC = one of:

     seta    setae   setb    setbe   setc    sete
     setg    setge   setl    setle   setna   setnae
     setnb   setnbe  setnc   setne   setng   setnge
     setnl   setnle  setno   setnp   setns   setnz
     seto    setp    setpe   setpo   sets    setz

        Example:        setne   al

SGDT    Store global descriptor table register (286+)

     operand    bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     mem48       5                      11       9      10       4   NP

        Example:        sgdt    descriptor[ebx]

SIDT    Store interrupt descriptor table register (286+)

     operand    bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     mem48       5                      12       9      10       4   NP

        Example:        sidt    descriptor[ebx]

SHLD    Double precision shift left (386+)

     operands        bytes                      386     486     Pentium
     reg, reg, imm    4                          3       2       4   NP
     mem, reg, imm   4+d(0-2)                    7       3       4   NP
     reg, reg, cl     4                          3       3       4   NP
     mem, reg, cl    4+d(0-2)                    7       4       5   NP

        Example:        shld    eax, ebx, 16

SHRD    Double precision shift right (386+)

     operands        bytes                      386     486     Pentium
     reg, reg, imm    4                          3       2       4   NP
     mem, reg, imm   4+d(0-2)                    7       3       4   NP
     reg, reg, cl     4                          3       3       4   NP
     mem, reg, cl    4+d(0-2)                    7       4       5   NP

        Example:        shrd    eax, ebx, 16

SLDT    Store local descriptor table register (286+)

     operands   bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     r16         3                       2       2       2       2   NP
     mem16     3+d(0-2)                  3       2       3       2   NP

        Example:        sldt    ax

SMSW    Store machine status word (286+)

     operands   bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     r16         3                       2       2       2       4   NP
     mem16     3+d(0-2)                  3       3       3       4   NP

        Example:        smsw    ax

STC     Set the carry flag

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       2       2       2       2       2       2   NP

        Example:        stc

STD     Set direction flag (set to reverse string direction)

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       2       2       2       2       2       2   NP

        Example:        std

STI     Set interrupt flag (enable)

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       2       2       2       3       5       7   NP

        Example:        sti

STOS/STOSB/STOSW/STOSD    Store string data

    variations  bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    stosb        1      11      10       3       4       5       3   NP
    stosw        1      15      10       3       4       5       3   NP
    stosd        1       -       -       -       4       5       3   NP
    rep stosb    2      9+10n   6+9n    4+3n    5+5n    7+4n*   3+n  NP
    rep stosw    2      9+14n   6+9n    4+3n    5+5n    7+4n*   3+n  NP
    rep stosd    2       -       -       -      5+5n    7+4n*   3+n  NP

                        * = 5 if n=0, 13 if n=1
                 (n = count of bytes, words or dwords)

        Example:        rep     stosd

STR     Store task register (286+)

    operand     bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
    r16          3                       2       2       2       2   NP
    mem16     3+d(0-2)                   3       2       3       2   NP

        Example:        str     bx

SUB     Integer subtraction

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     2       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    mem, reg  2+d(0,2)  24+EA   10       7       7       3       3   UV
    reg, mem  2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       7       6       2       2   UV
    reg, imm  2+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV
    mem, imm  2+d(0,2)  23+EA   16       7       7       3       3   UV*
    acc, imm  1+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV

       * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        sub     eax, ebx

TEST    Logical compare

     operands   bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
     reg, reg    2       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
     mem, reg 2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       6       5       2       2   UV
     reg, mem 2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       6       5       2       2   UV
     reg, imm 2+i(1,2)   5       4       3       2       1       1   UV
     mem, imm 2+d(0,2)  11+EA   10       6       5       2       2   UV*
     acc, imm 1+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV

        * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        sub     eax, ebx

VERR    Verify a segment for reading (286+)

     operand    bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     r16         3                      14      10      11       7   NP
     mem16    3+d(0,2)                  16      11      11       7   NP

        Example:        verr    ax

VERW    Verify a segment for writing (286+)

     operand    bytes                   286     386     486     Pentium
     r16         3                      14      15      11       7   NP
     mem16    3+d(0,2)                  16      16      11       7   NP

        Example:        verr    ax

WAIT    Wait for co-processor

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1       4       6       3       6      1-3      1   NP

        Example:        wait

WBINVD  Write-back and invalidate data cache (486+)

                bytes                                   486     Pentium
                 2                                       5    2000+  NP

        Example:        wbinvd

WRMSR   Write to model specific register (PENTIUM+)

                bytes                                           Pentium
                 2                                             30-45 NP

        Example:        wrmsr

XADD    Exchange and add (486+)

     operands   bytes                                   486     Pentium
     reg, reg    3                                       3       3   NP
     mem, reg   3+d(0-2)                                 4       4   NP

        Example:        xadd    eax, ebx

XCHG    Exchange register/memory with register

     operands   bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
     reg, reg    2       4       4       3       3       3       3   NP
     reg, mem  2+d(0-2)  25+EA  17       5       5       5       3   NP
     mem, reg  2+d(0-2)  25+EA  17       5       5       5       3   NP

     acc, reg    1       3       3       3       3       3       2   NP
     reg, acc    1       3       3       3       3       3       2   NP

     in above: acc = AX or EAX only

        Example:        xchg    ax, dx

XLAT/XLATB   Table look-up translation

                bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
                 1      11      11       5       5       4       4   NP

        Example:        xlat

XOR     Logical exclusive or

    operands    bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    reg, reg     2       3       3       2       2       1       1   UV
    mem, reg  2+d(0,2)  24+EA   10       7       7       3       3   UV
    reg, mem  2+d(0,2)  13+EA   10       7       6       2       2   UV
    reg, imm  2+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV
    mem, imm  2+d(0,2)  23+EA   16       7       7       3       3   UV*
    acc, imm  1+i(1,2)   4       4       3       2       1       1   UV

        * = not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate

        Example:        xor     eax, ebx